Tea party republicans and extreme isolationists and democrats who voted for Ronald Reagan, for example.
I'm specifically interested in the argument about higher tariffs. Are you in favor of that and if so, why? I'm asking you because you've made some compelling arguments against it. So I'd appreciate it if you could explain your position further.
I want to strengthen unions and increase wages in the U.S. I'm also interested in the environment worldwide. I don't think we should bury our heads in the sand regarding trade with other nations. If we can help provide jobs in the U.S., boost the U.S. economy, improve the lives of workers around the world along with improving environmental and unionization standards worldwide, all with a deal negotiated primarily by a democratic President, then it may be a risk worth taking, even though past trade deals haven't lived up to what we were promised.
But also, my understanding is that this particular trade deal involves more intellectual property strengthening, and I oppose that.
If you can provide me with some more information I'd appreciate it. I enjoy learning more about it. I don't really understand why the opponents are so vehement, since this just doesn't seem like that big of a deal (Thomas Friedman said that) and doesn't really affect that much. Why are opponents turning this into a sort of Waterloo? Why not make raising of the federal minimum wage their Waterloo? Or stopping police brutality? Or any number of other issues?