No, Obama's not perfect for a progressive voter. [View all]
Not even close. But he's the best chance I feel we have at this moment in time. There doesn't seem to be a snowball's chance of a Dennis Kucinich or Bernie sanders winning a presidency next year as much as I wish it were so.
I doubt there is going to be a serious contender running in the primaries against Obama so I have to consider the obvious. I can vote for Obama or I can throw my vote away. He's not going to have the level of support that he had from me before... unless one of these fools in the R category looks like a possible win. Then the game changes.
Obama has many good things working for me, I do wish he had a bit more Harry Truman in him which I think (hope) may very well happen in a second term. He's heads and heels above in intelligence than most other politicians in the field today R or D and I really do believe his heart is in the right place. I also feel that his spine could use a little more steel.
He'll have my support eleven months from now as long as I'm on this side of the ground. I don't want this to come across as a "lesser of two evils" sort of thing. It's not. It's a place where I have to pick from the menu where I have a choice of pure shit or something that won't leave me with dysentery.