Can We Start Firing People for Being Conservative, Christian Republicans? [View all]
You choose which political party you belong to; you dont choose your sexuality. Sure, on the face of it, thats one hell of an obvious statement to make. It being obvious doesnt make it any more devastatingly true, and as we hear that Speaker of the House, John Boehner (R-CA) is opposed to the Employment Nondiscrimination Act or ENDA for short that point comes even more sharply into focus.
The purpose of ENDA is to set a Federal mandate that no person can be fired simply on the basis of their orientation. ENDA, then, is basically an anti-ewww law; meaning that even if youre one of the ever-shrinking minorities of people who just cant fathom two dudes or two women having willing sexual intercourse with each other, you cant fire anyone based on that lack of higher-level thinking you possess. Its not a shock then that the conservative Republican Speaker is against ENDA, because why would a party thats the most unpopular its ever been try and do anything about their reputation for being uncaring, unevolved sociopaths, right?
According to Boehners spokesman and former RNC chairman Michael Steele, the reason El Naranjo Baracho is opposed to ENDA is that he believes this legislation will increase frivolous litigation and cost American jobs, especially small business jobs. So to Speaker Boehner, a person being fired for simply being gay who then sues their employer over it is being frivolous. It makes you wonder if he thinks an African-American, Asian, or Hispanic person who was terminated from their job simply on the basis of the color of their skin would have a right to file a lawsuit, or if that too would be frivolous of them to do so, but then again hes a modern day Republican so we kind of already know the answer to that one, dont we?
Maybe, though, Boehner and company just need a taste of their own medicine. If the Speaker and his party think that an employer should be allowed to fire anyone at any time for anything, how about we remove all anti-discrimination laws?
and I mean all of them. You know that preachy douche in accounting thats always complaining about how Obama is ruining our country? You can fire him now. Just fire him. Tell him you dont think his morality jives with yours and therefore you are cutting off his livelihood.