GOP Debate: Ahmadinejad=no power,Supreme Leader=power.Why the FUCK doesn't someone call them on it? [View all]
Newt called Ahmadinejad a dictator. Both Rick and Mitt agreed. Why the FUCK want anyone say, "Gentlemen, you mentioned Ahmadinejad as a dictator. The Iranian constitution and, from all appearances, the Iranian state grants most power to the Supreme Leader and unelected bodies of clergy. What power do you think Ahmadinejad has in the country of Iran?"
I am not anti-war. What I am is anti-idoits deciding. These guys are talking about the possibility of launching a war that could have very wide consequences for the US, the Middle East, and the World. With that, they don't seem to understand some fucking basic facts about how the country runs. Jesus Christ, it is embarrassing. Hell, Ahmadinejad got slapped by the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard about a year ago and went hiding and basically refused to come out. That doesn't sound like someone that is making important decisions for the country of Iran.
War doesn't piss me off. The talk of war without some basic understanding of what the fuck you are talking about does.
Done with my rant.