General Discussion
Showing Original Post only (View all)My bad - I thought this was the DEMOCRATIC [View all]
This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by Turborama (a host of the General Discussion forum).
According to the TOS, we're supposed to support Democratic candidates.
But it seems that the whole purpose is to PILE ON any Democratic elected official who doesn't fit our preconceived ideology of "perfection". We are applying purity tests to our candidates, which is what the Teabaggers did.
We are a "big tent" party, which means that we accept and at least TRY to understand the other persons POV.
Yet, I constantly see people who are totally intolerant of other views - thinking that they are "absolutely right" even though they are just as human and prone to error. yes, that's right - I called many of you arrogant. Because you are.
The thing that I love most about the Progressive POV is that it is tolerant of other views. Which is the opposite of what I have seen in so many posts here.
I've seen people use "Blue Dog", "DLC", "Centrist" etc as insults - even though the people they threw these epithets at did not actually show any of those attributes. But, the point is, they are still Democrats and still deserve our respect. To use these pigeon-holes only denigrates the person using them.
Unfortunately, there are many people who "troll" sites like this. They want to "spin" information in order to turn people away from voting in a certain way.
I'm not saying that everyone who criticizes Democrats are trolls. But, each of us should be aware that there are those who troll websites such as ours to try and convert voters. There are some who simply jump to conclusions.
Don't listen to those who simply attack others in order to get you to either not vote or vote for their candidate.
Inform yourself.