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In reply to the discussion: Obama's Deal From a poor Person's Perspective [View all]fasttense
(17,301 posts)"Sec. 328 extends tax exempt financing for York Liberty Zone, which was a program to provide post-9/11 recovery funds. Rather than going to small businesses affected, however, this was, according to Bloomberg, little more than a subsidy for fancy Manhattan apartments and office towers for Goldman Sachs and Bank of America Corp. Michael Bloomberg himself actually thought the program was excessive, so thats saying something. According to David Cay Johnstons The Fine Print, Goldman got $1.6 billion in tax free financing for its new massive headquarters through Liberty Bonds.
$9B Off-shore financing loophole for banks Sec. 322 is an Extension of the Active Financing Exception to Subpart F. Very few tax loopholes have a trade association, but this one does. This strangely worded provision basically allows American corporations such as banks and manufactures to engage in certain lending practices and not pay taxes on income earned from it. According to this Washington Post piece, supporters of the bill include GE, Caterpillar, and JP Morgan. Steve Elmendorf, super-lobbyist, has been paid $80,000 in 2012 alone to lobby on the Active Financing Working Group.
Tax credits for foreign subsidiaries Sec. 323 is an extension of the Look-through treatment of payments between related CFCs under foreign personal holding company income rules. This gibberish sounding provision cost $1.5 billion from 2010 and 2011, and the US Chamber loves it. Its a provision that allows US multinationals to not pay taxes on income earned by companies they own abroad.
Bonus Depreciation, R&D Tax Credit These are well-known corporate boondoggles. The research tax credit was projected to cost $8B for 2010 and 2011, and the depreciation provisions were projected to cost about $110B for those two years, with some of that made up in later years. "
And I get a 2% increase in taxes while these corporate pigs go oink, oink, oink. All the while the stupidest Senators in Congress are asking for a Trillion dollar raid on Social Security.
I may be poor but I'm NOT stupid.