130 miles or so away from Springfield Ohio, some crazy lady kidnapped a neighbor's cat, killed and ate it. And some homeless black guy killed and cooked a park duck or goose.
1. There's a couple Columbian, Ecuadorian, and Venezuelan gangs that fly into the US on Tourist Visas and spend the summer traveling the country hitting upscale neighborhoods and stores across the US. The Columbian gang hit San Diego, Orange County, and LA County earlier this year. They are apparently aligned with various US mobsters and gangs. This is the 7th or 8th year these gangs have been doing this been doing this.
2. The Springfield issue, according to the PBS Frontline report I just saw - is about a small number of the ~45k existing residents upset with the influx of around 20k legal Haitian immigrants -asylum seekers - over the past 2/3 years who have some issues with assimilation, along with the infrastructure issues that come with that many people coming into a rather small community - housing, educational resources, social services availability are at a shortage, and the city administration and local manufacturing who have no problems with the immigrants as taxpayers and workers need help paying for the additional employees (teachers, translators, medical clinics, legal, social services, and housing expansion needed for those additional people in the community.
There's a serious language issue (Haitians speak a form of French Creole), and a clash with Haitian culture in which things like drivers licences are only necessary when driving as a business and rules of the road are generally suggestions. Crime is down in Springfield, but reckless driving causing accidents is up.
Right wingers are trying to start a race war against the Haitians. They're also trying to start a race war in Aurora and other areas where Venezuelan refugees are settling by linking those refugees with the gangs flying in on tourist Visas for a little "seasonal work"