Most of her books have trials, as did this one.
She is good. She is on target.
Best of all, DeSantis pulled 20 of her books. Got me start reading her again.
Author Jodi Picoult denounces book bans after Florida school district pulls 20 of her titles from shelves
According to a new report from the American Library Association, attempted book banning and restrictions at school and public libraries set a record in 2022, with more than 1,200 challenges nearly double the total from 2021.
BENITEZ: Why do you think your books are getting banned, especially there in Florida?
PICOULT: That is an excellent question. But unfortunately, in Martin County, Florida, and in many places in Florida, one parent can decide to pull a book from a shelf without even giving a reason for that. And the one parent who wanted to ban all 20 of my books said on her form that she had not read the book, she admitted to that. And she said that some of them were adult romance, which is really interesting because I don't write adult romance. And, in fact, half of the books she pulled do not even have a single kiss in them. But they do have topics like gun rights and women's reproductive health rights and gay rights and things that make
BENITEZ: Because all of your books are very topical. It's like what's happening in the moment.
PICOULT: Yeah, so they're books that are to encourage kids to think for themselves. They're at a high school library. It's worth saying that. This is not an elementary school library. And the modus operandi is to get the books pulled off the shelves, because the process for review is very muddy. And so the books stay off the shelves, away from kids, until they actually manage to figure out a way to review them. There are some libraries in Florida, actually, school libraries, where they have not had any books in elementary school libraries since Christmas.,by%20bestselling%20author%20Jodi%20Picoult.