Trump tax returns got released - more evidence there.
Weisselberg & Trump org convicted of criminal fraud and tax evasion last fall. Bragg's office involved.
FBI raid of Mar-a-lago recovered documents NY AG had previously subpoenaed and been denied.
Bragg's office helps NY AG James with her $250 mil civil suit filed in Sept 2022
AG James makes criminal referral in Sept 2022 for insurance and bank fraud and complaint to IRS.
From that, they found out Weisselberg allegedly lied to them and they could pressure him into flipping completely. (NYT story Feb 2, 2023)
Jan 30, 2023 Stormy Grand Jury reconvenes per Bragg
Feb 2, 2023 NYT story that prosecutors are going after Weisselberg for lying to them in his partial immunity deal.
March 2023 Trump complains about them going after Weisselberg
Bragg's career is on the line and now, so is the safety of his family. He's leaving nothing to chance.
None of this is an accident.
If they flipped Weisselberg, that helped them with Cohen's credibility for the Stormy case.
Stormy's case would give them cover while they worked on Weisselberg for his safety on the bigger stuff.
With Weisselberg, he's worse than Gates was for Manafort. I followed that case closely. They nailed Manafort and got a bunch of Trumpers to convict him. Trump is in very deep similar shit now.
This financial crimes case against Trump could go from the weakest (Stormy) to the strongest (bank, insurance & tax fraud) of the cases out there in a state where Trump can't get a pardon.
Manafort got sentenced to a bunch of years in jail. Trump's crimes seem bigger, more frequent and worse.
Hopefully, Florida doesn't ban the biographies of Al Capone. Trump might find them more educational than his bedside copy of Mein Kampf