You finish your selfish rant by saying that you hope the blue wave hits Texas big time. But your arguments and protests about the OP prove just the opposite.
The point was never to make the joyful Democrats of New York love abbott. It was to suggest that New York could help us bring the blue wave to Texas. Every time you bitch about what abbott has done or giggle over our problems, you help elect abbott. How can you not see that. Did you just get your knickers twisted when I suggested that the whining that the New York politicians were doing was actually whining?
Turn it around. If I go by your arguments, then you would be perfectly happy when Texas billionaires spend money to spread lies to defeat liberal candidates in New York. You would welcome redneck help in getting trumpsters elected in your city council. A little political savvy and intellectual honesty would be appreciated. Either you want the blue wave to hit Texas and want to help it happen or you don't really.
(PS. I know rural New York. It is lovely there. I visit my grandson who works there frequently. It is not the utopia you suggest though. Just as there are urban centers of liberal democracy in Texas, there are New York assholes with tfg signs dotting the rural highways of Apple country. I'll be there seeing family this fall to watch the leaves. I won't visit Troy or Buffalo this winter when the Lake Effect snow closes things down.)
Politics is national. Voting is Local. Help if you can. I've donated to AOC. How much have you sent to Beto?