Moulitas should get this garbage off the front page of a site for Democratic activists and groups! [View all]
Check that out. President Biden at 53.6% approval average and a +15 spread!
Then, check this out:
RCP even higher with President Biden with a 55%+ average approval rating and another +15 spread.
So, by all accounts President Biden is a very popular president!
But, wait!
Civiqs has decided to be the new Rasmussen, except it's way more skewed than Rasmussen at the moment. Civiqs is way off in la-la land that even Rasmussen isn't at. IT says that President Biden is pretty much only as popular as Donald Toad. His approval rating is just 46%, which matches his disapproval, and worse than that, he is already at 50% disapproval amongst Independents!! Also, the very young and very old alike are giving him a thumbs down!
A garbage poll like this on Daily Kos of all places!
Moulitas should get this garbage off the front page ASAP and investigate why his poll is such a positively horrendous outlier compared to seriously ALL others!!