You possess an insightful and thoroughly advanced comprehension of the Trumpists delusional mindset.
Theyre as isolated and insular as any extremist cult members. Measurable, observable, objective reality means nothing to them; same with science, modern medicine, exponential calculations, health insurance risk pools, climate change, etc. They have surrendered their will entirely, and have abandoned any critical thinking skills they may have had at one time (and Im being generous).
Below is a verbatim post to a friends Facebook page. I kept a copy as a diagnostic example of a white male Trump supporter. There are no surprises:
You are educated enough to know why I like [Donald Trump] and in general, the republican party; he stands for what I believe in. No different than why you like Beto or old man Bernie. I want guns, I want diesel trucks, I want capitalism, I want people in society that want to work hard, I don't want to support bottom feeders and bums, I want border security, I want ID's checked at the voting booth, I want less regulation, Christianity is important to me, I want lower taxes, I don't want to pay for planned parenthood. This is of but a very small list. We don't have to agree, that's what great about America but in the end the problem is not Trump.
IF theres is a somewhat fair, somewhat free election later this year, there is hope that enough electoral-vote-rich swing states will be burned out on Trump, and thus vote Democratic. My optimism is guarded, though; I wouldnt be surprised if Trump and his handlers work the current rolling meltdown in their favor by postponing or canceling the election. Theyre already buying votes with government handouts at $1200 a pop (the irony!). Every day Trump gets a 2-hour dog-and-pony show essentially a lengthy campaign ad, while Democrats are off somewhere in isolation with the rest of us.