Comey: Acquittal works for him because in November, Americans can vote [View all]

The House impeached the president, and though the Senate will likely acquit, the American people can witness the whole thing. The free press fostered and protected by the genius of the First Amendment has let Americans know the truth, if they wish to, Comey argued, despite harsh press restrictions imposed by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).
In November, Americans, fully informed, will have the chance to decide what kind of country we are and what we expect of our leaders, he argued, despite the fact House prosecutors charged that voters would not be fully informed with a fair Senate trial including witnesses and evidence.
I dont buy the stuff about the United States democracy dying, Comey continued, ignoring that Trump was impeached for attempting to cheat in the 2020 presidential election.
When I was a kid, the United States didnt come apart. It wont now, he predicted, seemingly ignoring climate change.