a major cause of authoritarianism
a central motivation for authoritarians is the avoidance of uncertainty. see "Political Conservatism As Motivated Social Cognition" by Jost et al 2003. authoritarianism is sometimes measured with the uncertainty avoidance index or UAI.
so they get scared easily and use order, simplification, and binary black/white absolutism to impose predictability to ease that fear, create artificial certainty with religion etc, and are drawn to leaders/gods who have the royal im never wrong certitude.
avoiding uncertainty is another way to say needing certainty. but why would humans who evolved surrounded by natural uncertainty need certainty? because when impatient satisfaction-demanding reproductive impulses mix with the left/logical side of the brain it wants finality, premature conclusion, quick easy answers certainty.
and thats sex on the wrong brain, caused by right handed masturbation, because the right hand is connected to the left brain hemisphere.
iain mcgilchrist in "the master and his emissary. the divided brain" says the left brain "needs certainty" and it goes back even to birds, with the left hemisphere/right eye picking out seeds on the ground while the right brain/left eye is more holistic, keeping watch for friends sand enemies, etc.
i think hitler was left handed but some people have switched brain hemispheres....
wilhelm reich was a frued student who wrote a paper in 1933 "Mass Psychology of Fascism" in which he blamed nazi youth movement partly on masturbation/sexual repression associated with guilt/punishment/religion/patriarchy
and thats why 90% of humans are right handed we started off like chimps, about 50-50 right-left handed, but authoritarianism/suspicion/fear/lack of empathy and other symptoms of sex on the wrong brain offered a survival advantage in times of conflict.