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Showing Original Post only (View all)Open Letter to the MSM [View all]
Watch any political news show these days and youll inevitably hear the same question asked: What are the Democrats doing about Trump?
It would seem obvious that the real question should be: What are the Republicans doing about Trump?
The Democrats didnt put this Idiot in the White House Republicans did. They nominated him, elected him, and continue to support him. Its the Republicans who controlled the House, the Senate, and the presidency for two years so how is it the Democrats fault that The Dotard is still where he is? Why is it somehow the failure of the Democrats that a Russian-colluding traitor is distancing us from our allies while praising our enemies?
Why is it the responsibility of the Democrats to stop the insanity of the madman in the Oval Office, while the Republicans support his every lie, his every inane statement, his every attempt to undermine the agencies that keep our country safe from the very people who their pResident is determined to align himself with.
Ive heard it dozens of times now: Why arent the Democrats coming up with a way to humanely house immigrant children in cages? Again, shouldnt the question be: Why are there children in cages in the first place? We all know who put them there and it wasnt the Democrats. Why are Republicans let off the hook for their inhumane policies, while Democrats are excoriated for not undoing the damage that Republicans continue to do?
Im tired of hearing how the Democrats are spineless. It isnt the Democrats who sat in silence while a Republican pResident stood on the worlds stage and declared that Putins word for it should be taken above the factual findings of our own intelligence community. It isnt the Democrats who have consistently and repeatedly supported the undermining of our most precious freedoms, like a free press, the right to vote, and the safeguards that ensure that every vote is counted and NOT interfered with or influenced by our enemies.
If anyone has been spineless, it is the Republicans, who two-plus years into this disastrous pResidency have yet to stand up to the democracy-destroying, brainless bigot they placed in the highest office in the land. Where is the spine of the party that has remained silent while the institutions that underpin our democracy have been demeaned by their pResident, who dismisses their efforts to keep our nation secure while instead kow-towing to ruthless dictators who send him beautiful letters?
This is not to say that Democrats are above reproach, or above criticism. But when you play the What are you doing about Trump? card, you might think about dealing that card to the players who invited him to the table to begin with. You might want to ask them why they insisted that a known con-man be allowed to join the game.
I am fed up with watching this scenario played out not on FOX-News (where this bullshit is to be expected), but on networks that hold themselves out as representing serious journalism. There is nothing serious about asking the Democrats why they havent cleaned-up the shit this pResident has smeared all over the Constitution and the rule of law. Serious journalists would be asking the Republicans why they ever allowed their rabid dog to shit on those things in the first instance, and why they continue to enable him to do so, instead of asking Democrats why they have failed to rid us of the stench.
Lets get this much straight. The Republicans have held the power to curb their mutt all along. They had the power to rein him in, the power to withhold their support of his idiotic ideas, the power to render him powerless if he refused to conduct himself in accordance with the Constitution and the law and yet they have consistently refused to do so.
So lets stop this pretense of being fair-and-balanced by asking Democrats what they are going to do about Trump. Ask the Republicans what theyre going to do about their out-of-control, snarling attack dog because in case you havent noticed, theyre ones who have been holding the leash all along.