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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsDonna Brazile loses her goddamn mind. don't even know what to say to this. It's bad enough there are actually Republicans out there who are trying to polish this turd for the history books. Now we have so-called "Democrats" doing the same. Unbelievable.

(20,805 posts)Did we just get transported into 'opposite-world'?
(23,864 posts)...was her piece. She pockets money, end of story. She's always been "iffy". I've agreed with her sometimes, disagreed with her others. She's fore hire. No, she's no Dick Morris, but she's in the same family of creatures.
(34,658 posts)
(23,864 posts)PB
(65,556 posts)Poll_Blind
(23,864 posts)...I suspect there's a general motivation for remuneration rather than political fervor which drives people like her. Some political strategists are only weakly on the "side" they work for. I don't always feel that's the case but...
(65,556 posts)Maybe someone who has tried to work with her was frustrated...
(27,461 posts)her brand is "a Democrat that tells Democrats not to fight Republicans". This column is an advertisement for her services.
(23,864 posts)...the Alan Colmes variety of political pundit. I've seen her get her digs in before, just like I've seen him do it, but both of them are toned down. They're not, for instance, like Robert Reich who brands himself with specific ideas. Brazille, Colmes are more...well, while they have their moments, overall they're kind of tepid.
I'm not saying they have to be over-the-top to get my respect as Democrats. They just don't seem to really fuel themselves as much with ideology. Democratic ideology fuels me, fuels people like Peter DeFazio, my house rep. I "get" people who are more on that wavelength and I'm often times left scratching my head when I meet or see, uh, what's the word?, coffee talk Democrats.
(27,461 posts)she lists all of her relatives who were affected by the storm, and I was expecting to hear ways in which Bush helped them. I was ready with an open mind. But she never did, her talk about her relatives was just a setup for her platitudes about "civility".
She does mention $126 billion, that's getting closer to what I'm interested in. Did he really provide that money? Was it enough? That's what I want to know and Brazile doesn't address.
(20,166 posts)
In another year or two (tops) everyone's going to be extolling Bush the way they do Reagan.
(45,851 posts)
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)dedication to actual Democratic principles. She seems to have the same affliction many of our 'Democrats' have, an urge to 'please' Republicans, to show how 'fair and balanced' we are, to demonstrate 'bi-partisanship' and 'compromise' and 'cooperation'.
I gave up on her a long time ago.
(28,552 posts).... about the money, across the board.
Sekhmets Daughter
(7,515 posts)between the invention of the television and the advent of Newt Gingrich. When our politicians donned their Sunday best and behaved as though an informed nation was watching their every move. When they worked together to solve problems or face a crisis. Today a bitterly divided nation offers fist bumps of celebration each time one side or the other delivers an uppercut to the opponent's jaw.... Is it any wonder we have failed to address the issues that are eroding life in this country?
(62,444 posts)
Sekhmets Daughter
(7,515 posts)even though he made 3 attempts, did he? People expected more and often got it.
(62,444 posts)Sekhmets Daughter
(7,515 posts)He served under Ford, who himself was never elected. There is a distinction.
(56,582 posts)BlueStater
(7,596 posts)Recursion
(56,582 posts)I'll agree the editors at CNN have lost their god damn minds.
(30,947 posts)Buzz Clik
(38,437 posts)Brazile makes very specific comments about her feelings. Simply telling us she "lost her mind" doesn't cut it.
(16,694 posts)This wasn't left and right coming together after a disaster. This was the left, agreeing to overlook the massive faliure of the right, to work with them to clean up the mess. This was the right desperately trying to clean up their mess so as to patch over their incompetence.
She's congradulating the guy that plowed into the garage door for the lovely paint job he did on the repairs. And it comes off as a tad self serving since she's the person that helped pick out the paint.
(4,458 posts)paying attention to Donna months ago--She's just another member of "The Club" most of us will never qualify for...
Dem/GOP--What Is the difference these days????
(17,083 posts)Just like Clinton and GHW Bush became bosom buddies, Obama and Dubya will have a love affair, too, just as soon as Obama's term is over. These 'journalists' we have today are in bed with them, too.
(4,458 posts)These folks Are the rather right-wing, wing of the Dem Party....or the Third Way/New Dem Coalition.....
Tom Rinaldo
(23,023 posts)New Orleans is in her blood and her blood is in New Orleans. Donna does not play politics in either direction on this matter and she knows what she is talking about. Note that she was angry over the immediate Federal government response to Katrina, and she never retracts that anger. With family displaced and even missing at the time, she contacted Bush to see what she could do to get a better and more effective response from the government. If I were her and was a high level political player I would have done exactly the same.
Bush made some obviously horrible decisions in his two terms in office, and FEMA totally blew it in the days after Katrina hit. As far as I'm concerned those are facts. You don't have to defend Bush as President to accept what Brazile wrote here though. Bush was many things but I never saw him as a personal racist. If Brazile says that he made pledges to her regarding New Orleans and that he later kept them, I believe her. I am anti-Bush but I am also anti-knee jerk reactions.
(97,269 posts)Katrina
From a political stand point she has never been a very effective advocate for Democratic causes, and sure did not help the Gore campaign very much, of course neither did Gore
(7,596 posts)He did nothing for several days, then proceeded to epically fuck up the recovery, and then FINALLY got his ass in gear after thousands of people had already died and that means he "did good"? Like I said, sickening.
(1,044 posts)what she wrote. She said the rescue was bungled. She was talking about long-term recovery.
Fawke Em
(11,366 posts)I couldn't tell on my phone, but is there a comments section?
I'll go look. She needs to hear from us.
(85,100 posts)Ikonoklast
(23,973 posts)And is still trying to remain on the inside with the clueless.
I am glad that BHO has little to do with her, ot the rest of the Clintonistas.
(12,799 posts)Yup, heckuva job, Donna.
As long as your family did okay in the end, I guess that's all that really matters.
(154,021 posts)What's wrong with these political hacks?
(13,992 posts)Why should I be civil or have any civil feelings towards a president and his administration that started two unjust wars and hung the label of torturers on this country ?
Are their any dignitaries from Iraq and Afghanistan attending the grand opening ?
I wonder what the majority of the world think of GWB ?
I would like to know why our sitting president and living presidents think they need to be part of this charade ?
It is sickening enough that the Bush administration will never be prosecuted, but to participate in these political spectacles is truly sickening.
(20,630 posts)I am a self-interest in the outcome since DB was appointed to an oversight commission.
It has to look good in her eyes, since she was overseeing the outcome, you see.
(25,477 posts)SoCalDem
(103,856 posts)and highly overrated.