BoRaGard's JournalWill G.O.P. Felon try his "hand jerk" dom stunt at the debate?
The republicon felon-rapist is infamous for his routine Hand-Jerker "handshake". That's where he tries to get the other person off balance from the git-go by jerking their hand immediately and unexpectedly to gain a cheap personal power "advantage" rather than meeting the other person in the middle for a firm, serious, sincere handshake.
Firm, sincere, strong and even -- that's the honorable way. But as he demonstrates often, the republican role model does not do honorable.
Will he try to pull his evil, freaking, lowlife "I'm trying to be a Dom" republican Hand Jerk on President Joe at the debate?
Hammer the G.O.P. for their climate change lies
From now till November, every day, pound it home: republicans have been systematically lying to Americans about climate change. The whole stinking party.
Don't think climate chaos is happening? Watch the frikken weather report. Any day. Every day.
Climate change is in our face. You see it all the time, unless you are Blinded by the billionaire-backed Bullshit MAGA Cult, Inc..
The entire mendacious G.O.P. needs to have its face rubbed in its lies. Because climate change is real, and it is by now an ugly and expensive part of daily life.
Bumpstock Thomas (R) earned his nickname the old-fashioned way
Some fat cat republicans greased his skids ultra-liberally,
then rolled him down the Highway to Hell in a big, old, stinking Travel Bus.
A loyal repube grifter, Thomas then blessed the bumpstocks and sent them forth across America.
As of this week, Bumpstock Thomas (R) and his high roller billionaire republican cronies
can start carving notches in their coke cans. #BumpstockThomas
G.O.P. may start GoFundMe for their Russian MoneyBuddies
Many people may be saying that the republicans are FREAKING OUT about the collapse of the Russian banking system, and thus their interconnected ability to keep ruski BlackOps Against the USA well funded.
Will the republicans come through to keep ruski Black Ops afloat and pumping BS into the US InfoSphere? Or will this turn out to be just another one of their pathetic FAILS.
How many Convicted Felons to change a light bulb?
Asking for the RussoRepublican Party.
G.O.P. proposed name change: Felonious Fascists, Inc.
Name change by popular demand
for at least a dingleberry of truth from the repubes.
People also ask:
"What is the meaning of felonius?
According to the Sentencing Guideline defining offenses, the term felonious means punishable by death or a term of imprisonment exceeding one year"
Happy Day-after Birthday Jack Smith!
June 5, 1969.
Give America a present Jack: lock up the G.O.P. traitors and their Russian accomplices to stop their lie-filled, underhanded attacks on the US of A.
Has the Repube FELON reported to Probation yet?
Or is he still acting like a controlled russian bot and
blowing off the court order to "report immediately"?
That felt great. Just voted for Joe
I was surprised. Just went to the primary polls as usual, feeling like an ordinary schlub.
But when I filled out the circle next to Joe's name, I got a rush of beautiful, powerful energy.
I got to vote for democracy, honesty, and the future.
In so doing I was also voting against republican-russian kristofascist hate and fear.
It felt great. It felt so American. Woot, woot!
Community Service for Felons (R)
Imagine all the good that the moral leader of the Republican party could do helping out homeless people on the streets of New York.
The Republican role model has denigrated the homeless many times. Here's his chance for REDEMPTION
A year of community service for Smelvis would be fitting in so many ways. And the repubes could claim that they are solving the housing crisis.
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Name: BeauregardGender: Do not display
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Member since: Tue Apr 23, 2024, 04:02 PM
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