BoRaGard's JournalIs it time for G.O.P. Felon to pass the hamberder?
to a younger mendacious republicon kristofascist?
Asking for my pal, The Wimpster.
Don't think twice
Still I wish there was something you could do or say
to try and make Joe change his mind and stay...
It's All Right.
Math problem
:largeWobble Caucus Official Position Paper
You got to dance with the one who brung you - Shania Twain
OK y'all, it's Saturday Night.
Dance, dance, wherever ye' may be
Joe is Lord of the Dance, sez me.
Keep America Free - new D slogan
to blunt the sly mind-f*ckery of the MAGA-republican slogan:
MAKE* America Great Again
* Note carefully the action verb in this command. It's "make" - i.e. force people to Make America Great (according the definition of "great" by the kristofascist forces and billionaire bros running the big time, 24/7 propaganda machines.
One can, on reflection, see the implied threat in the MAGA command "Make." As we saw at the RNC convention, that's precisely what they intend -- and Project 2025 is the way they plan to MAKE their WILL triumphant.
Basically, a critical part of the G.O.P. schtick is anti free will. That's a cancerous streak of their perverted soul impulses. Controlling others' minds, wallets, beliefs, and bodies.
While giving lip service to it (lying), they piss all over the distinguishing human spiritual capacity: Free Will.
Whatever became of Boaty McBoatface?
Where is she now? What has fate brought her way? Is she still a good target for seabird poo? One wonders about these things.
Asking for Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
Quit the QuitCaucus ca-ca
?20210117153608MAGA paganism (R) -- #MAGApaganism
The magas have turned their backs on the teachings of Christ (love one another as I have loved you, love your neighbor, and of course The Parable of the Rich Fools). They have instead embraced and continued to worship a gawd fashioned in their own image: an adulterous convicted felon/rapist/fraud/liar.
Remember, even the self-annointed "elect" may be suckered. I
Consequently the #MAGApaganism and #magaPAGAN hashtags may well continue on a warped trajectory to virality.
#GriftBilly (R) now trending
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Name: BeauregardGender: Do not display
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Member since: Tue Apr 23, 2024, 04:02 PM
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