Samrob's Journal60 Minutes' bad call. Giving what used to be respected coverage to MTG is disappointing.
Haters should be given no place or time in respected media. I said the same thing about Trump in 2015. We all know how that turned out. The exposure set him up to be a much larger image of himself. Media is doing that for MTG now.
Trump's indictment today is what happens when decent men and women are paying attention in court.
Thank you GRAND JURY!!
A toast to Hillary Clinton tonight. Rest easy.
Now, we should just proceed to ignore any of the puke coming out of GQP mouths.
All of you who do not condemn Trump's criminal and anti-democracy behavior should be ashamed of yourselves. Whatever hold Trump has on Congress critters it must be massive. I am waiting for indictments of those we haven't even thought about.
One guest on Morning Joe seemed to understand what is happening in Israel better than most.
It's more than just about one man, Bibi, but it is also about the changing demographics. And it is what is happening here in the US also. More immigrants are coming in from autocratic places like Russia, Italy, and even China etc. They are white, conservative, relatively rich, and CONSERVATIVE. They like living in countries like the US, England, Canada, Israel but they bring with them the baggage of their conservative, bigoted upbringing. Coming to more progressive places like Israel, the US, England makes puts them on a collision course with progressive open societies. Since they have the wealth, they get the power and begin to make changes to our government (or at least they try to)and appeal to the like-minded conservatives here, including less rich and poor bigots.
I am not intending to make a broad sweep of all immigrants coming from those places but it is an observation of what is happening around us. Just pay attention to what is happening in your local grocery stores and shopping malls. Listen closely to who is complaining the most, who is seemingly harsh with customer service staff, who is rude in the parking lots.
In this condo for 27 years with all different religions and ethnicity. It was a really harmonious, well run community where everyone knew each other and their families. Turnover was almost non-existent. When an owner passed on an heir or family member moved in and everyone got along just fine. The demographics have changed dramatically over the past 5 years. Our Association Board began the slow drift toward an autocratic, intolerant group even suing each other. A lot of problems with people wanting to change a culture they didn't like and refused to understand. We now have literally now have a Board pitting Jews against Muslims, Hispanics against Asians and almost everyone against blacks. It never was like this for 22 of the years my family has lived here. We used to celebrate all cultural holidays and enjoyed ethnic cuisines. Now we have people complaining about the aromas from cooking different ethnic foods. It is really heartbreaking.
Anyone have a link to send money to help those poor people in MS after the tornado catastrophe?? nt
Thank you Morning Joe for telling the story of the ACA and NC accepting Medicaid expansion.
NOW! The Dems should not allow this minute to pass. It should be one of the rallying campaign messages heading into 2024. Voters should know which party has had their backs all along and which party will continue to do so going forward. It's message that can be taken to every red state and every red precinct across the nation and it should start now and not wait for campaign season. Couple that ACA message with the cap on insulin and the latest Biden deal with Mexico to stop fentanyl from coming to the US and we may win just enough of those red bastions that were close in 2020.
Cuomo upset because he hate the law. He had to quit because of allegations against him.
Anthony: There are so many cases against Trump now because he committed so many crimes or potential crimes. Period.
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