Samrob's JournalCould someone in the House remind America who was in charge when we had the last balanced budget?
Could someone in the House remind America who raises the deficit by passing tax breaks without paying for them?
Could someone in the House remind America who doesn't pay their fair share of taxes?
Remind America which party always talks about cutting the deficit, cutting the debt when running for office but who forgets about the debt and deficit once they gain power. The only party that always votes to take away rights, benefits, and social safety net.
Did we or did we (Dem House/Senate)not have the power and time to take care of raising the debt limi
or funding the government before January 3rd? If we did, why didn't we?
The GOP mostly does not like MTG. They hate Kevin for bowing to her and do not want her in control.
Canada is making the USA look like a third- rate country after Trump made us a look second-rate.
Canadian stance on immigration will soon pay off big for them. They should contract with Abbott and DeSantis to transport immigrants from our southern border to them. Texas and Florida: paying to make Canada Great Again.
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Gender: FemaleHometown: Philly
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Member since: Wed Jan 19, 2022, 08:08 PM
Number of posts: 4,298