Samrob's JournalWhat happens when or if the DOJ indicts sitting members of the House and Senate?
If none of these insurrectionists are indicted, we are a nation without laws or laws that more and more people will not obey or enforce.
The problem is not that conservatism is all bad. Everything that is different from what we like is
not always "bad." The real problem is that there are few if any real conservatives around who really love America, want what is good for the nation and not just what is good for themselves. McCarthy is a perfect example of a self-serving, narcissistic, bigoted, ignorant tool of the powerful fascists controlling the anti-democratic forces among us. To whom they will sell out is the big problem. Trump has already shown us that these people are willing and able to sell out America to the highest bidder who will enrich them and their families. They sellout our children to unbridled gun and weapons access to the NRA to keep the eyes of their brainless base on their guns instead of looking at and thinking about what is going on around them and how they are being used. Attacking science, education, and fair taxation is their way to ensure that they can stay in power. Right now, it seems as though there are not enough people actually "woke" enough to effectively do anything about them. Too many are too comfortable to care about others or their the future of their prodigy.
Wondering. Will it help or hurt Dems if the media covers the House antics more than they covered
the House when Dems were in control and getting things done? I always felt that the media gives too much attention to Trump and his Trumpians as opposed to covering what Biden and the rest of the Dems are actually accomplishing on behalf of the people.
So happy about Hamlin's progress. I wonder if he went to the LIGHT?
If he did, I wonder if he will ever share what he experienced? In some cases (first hand experience) that's what brings you back.
America has a lot to be ashamed of. But there will be nothing more shameful than allowing the top
insurrectionists in the House and Senate and the former guy go unpunished for their sedition against the country and their damage to democracy world-wide.
Every oversight move should be amended to include the 2 Billion received by Kushner from the Saudis.
Is Brian Stelter joining MSNBC?
Where did I get that from? Can't recall but it wouldn't be a bad addition.
Will CNN even mention the ceremony today? nt
Was there any acknowledgement today by the GOP of the Biden's ceremony honoring J6 heroes?
I must have missed it.
Could Garland end this House situation by indicting a few House insurrectionists?
Right now I believe a Grand Jury would indict anyone named as an insurrectionist.
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