Samrob's JournalThe most "woke" speech of my lifetime: Should be required reading or listening across the globe.
One thing about Trump vs Biden docugate not talked about is the stark difference between attorneys.
Re-examine how most attorneys for Trump's documents situation responded and acted vs. how Biden's attorneys acted.
Almost everyone, including attorneys, supporting Trump are as corrupt and ignorant as he is. Trump refused to listen to the few attorneys around him who showed any smidgen of integrity. Not only should Trump be indicted, but several of his attorneys should be disbarred and indicted also INMHO.
When you knowingly elect and continue to support a liar, cheat, anti-democracy insurgent, misogynist
fascist, Nazi-lover you are no better that that person. In fact, you are worse.
Biden is now President. He should just de-classify all doc in his possession and in his offices!
Done, over. If Trump can declassify by thinking about it Biden can do it by saying it!
What kind of creatures will we become once Chat GPT takes over social media?
I envision bloated bodies with small heads since most will be unemployed and no one will be required to "think." Not thinking has already infected 40% of the population across all ages so I guess that won't be noticed so much?
Focusing on the Biden docugate just might force the DOJ to indict Trump on other crimes.
That's my take. No matter what, Trump must be indicted for at least one of his crimes against the country and his lawlessness in general.
Plus, the GOP investigating the investigators, are themselves being investigated. Who thinks that's going to go over big with the voters?
Once you encourage and foster anarchy, you can't control it. What Trump through Bannon, Stone others
of their ilk have unleased in the USA is beginning to fester throughout the world. Be on notice, once unleashed, mobs do not recognize their own, they just go after everyone in their sights. Ala..."hang Mike Pence." You may even witness MTG and bang bang get trampled in the mix. Wait for it.
Those who refuse to study history or learn from it, repeat it.
Buffalo Hines to Hamlin: "I'm your huckleberry." nt
I must say, Wallace seems to thoroughly enjoy is CNN gig away from FOX.
Really good show tonight. Hugh Jackman, one of my favs.
Can the J6 documents be given to the DOJ and Biden classify them TS?
Can the J6 docs be given to the House heavily redacted to hide all witness names?
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