Samrob's JournalIs not it clear to all by now that the only way to stop Trump and those who support him is to
prosecute them to the full extent of the law (before they get a chance to change even those laws) and put them in jail at the maximum sentences for which they are found guilty. Citizens who love America, with all her flaws, must join together irrespective of party and normal political positions to fight these bastards who would destroy out own government in favor of supporting autocratic, racist, and fascist leadership. Our government agencies must be cleansed of those who were placed in critical positions of power within them under the Trump presidency and those who work against the very government for which they work and receive benefits.
We must pressure the real and honest media to expose them on every turn and abandon their sickening "bothism" attempts at balance. Their is no balance between good and evil. NONE!! If we don't stop them now, it will be too late in 2023.
Just thinking about all the calls for book banning in schools in the USA.
Actually it means that children and adults in foreign countries will know more about our history than our own citizens. How is that going to work out for us? And for sure it won't stop with just black history.
Just finished watching Munich: The Edge of War
Fiction but how close one man came to assassinating Hitler before he started WWII. One man, according to the film, might have stopped WWII in its tracks. Interesting drama with bits of history mixed in. Netflix
We are still on the edge.
I love Claire McCaskill!!
She seems to be a single voice that is willing to say what should be obvious to many that this latest Putin move against Ukraine is really all about trying to harm the Biden administration in an effort to pump up Trump's favorability. Sure, Putin has done this before but we didn't have a pandemic then and Russian economy was not as bad off as it is now. Putin new sees the opportunity to drive a wedge between the NATO alliance because of their dependence on Russian oil. Trump was doing Putin's work when he attacked the NATO alliance now Putin is returning the favor.
Is Putin trying to save his friend Trump from all his legal problems by his moves on
Ukraine and elsewhere? Or is Putin merely taking advantage of all the inside Intel info Trump shared with him as well as Russian bugging of the Oval Office when they visited Trump there and had access to the WH?
There is no telling how much damage Trump and the GOP have done to this country from an Intel and Military perspective. The Russians were all over the WH on their visits with Trump and I am sure those GOP visits to Russia were not all clean.
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