RFCalifornia's JournalQuestion: if COVID 19 evolves into something no more than a nuisance
Do we need to still lock down?
Hear me out -- a successful virus does not kill its host
Thus, viruses evolve until they find a way to be undetected, and keep the host alive without symptoms
So, if COVID 19 takes this route, could this be no more than an addition to flu shots in future years?
Don't get me wrong -- Omicron is real and we don't know all the short term and long term effects of it
But hospitalizations are down, and the next variant may be a "successful virus" that is, asymptomatic and non-lethal
Stinky Camenbert Cheese and Merlot
Very good pairing
Threw in a charcuterie of figs and Asian pear to round it out
Merry Fucking Christmas
Merry fucking Christmas to all of you beautiful people
Hug your fucking loved ones and mourn the fucking loved ones who aren't fucking here
Hug your furry fucking friends and give them a fucking snack from the table just fucking because (just make sure it's not fucking chocolate)
Peace on the fucking Earth, and good-fucking-will towards everyone!
So Alcohol...beer, wine, bourbon, etc etc...is it killing us or making us stronger?
With some major names departing MSNBC and CNN, why not bring back Olbermann?
Yeah, he could be a jerk, but he was our jerk
We need more fighters like him
And we need a "Worst Person in the World"
Anyone up for a "Gifts of your Region" gift exchange
Like I, being in California could gift Chardonnay in exchange for Texas BBQ or NY Deliwiches?
Dear Silent Genners, Boomers, Millenials and GenZers
I love you folk
Yeah, GenX here
Just shouting out some holiday love to all you guys and gals
Even if I'll never understand what yeet means
Anyone out there think Lara Logan might be longing for the days of Apartheid?
Maybe its a jump but she grew up, privileged, white and in Apartheid SA
I'm guessing she wants to go back to that
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Member since: Thu Sep 30, 2021, 08:06 PMNumber of posts: 440