WalkerinSC's JournalA few free minutes today
Got a few snaps. Spring color!
And last but not least, my unhealthy addiction to filters
Impressionist Look
Took a picture through glass at work and hated it, did some simple edits and came out with an impressionist look. Better than the original lol
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Misty Mountains Over Skagway
Edited to Black and White. The color was nice but the B&W just seemed right.
Northern Lights Over Inside Passage
Did some over exposure to bring out the star field and saturation to bring out the colors. The people in the foreground with the splashes of vibrant colors against the darker monochromatic Greens gives it an Elton Bennett feel. He would have felt at home on the rugged Pacific Northwest. If you haven't checked out his works you should.
I am not affiliated with his estate or current gallery representation. I just enjoy and collect his works. He was blue collar, and he made his art for all.
Sometimes you get the shot you get, not the one you want
Decent free hand moon shot with orange tint as seen from home.
Profile Information
Gender: Do not displayHometown: Ware Shoals, SC
Home country: USA
Current location: Greenwood, SC
Member since: Thu Sep 16, 2021, 06:22 AM
Number of posts: 268