SouthernDem4ever's JournalI hope our Federal Government is keeping a close watch on Putin's American assets
Like, trump. The CIA and FBI need to make sure Putin isn't trying to attack us from within with the help of residents of the U.S. ready to do his bidding -whether they are from Russia or not.
Media needs to stop the BS about Gas prices, supply chain, blah blah blah
People are dying for no reason. That should override their stupid media click bait crap about the hits on our economy. We need to bite the bullet and deal with any fallout from the Russian invasions. The more we can endure the more lives might be saved. Any media company whining about gas prices while a sovereign country is undergoing an unprovoked attack from a huge bully doesn't deserve to be heard - period. Also, any oil company who is inflating prices unnecessarily and trying to maximize profits at this moment doesn't deserve our business any longer, now or after the conflict is over.
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