Tomconroy's JournalMore on US MLRS systems to Ukraine: already has a Russian designed MLRS system capable of firing 40 miles. It is supplied by eastern NATO countries. Being russian it is inaccurate and takes 45 minutes to load by hand.
The US systems are highly accurate and are autoloaded in 5 minutes. They will make a big difference when they arrive.
Biden rules out giving rocket systems that can strike into russia The United States will not send the Ukrainian military rocket systems that can reach targets inside Russia, President Joe Biden said Monday, as Ukraine asks U.S. officials for long-range rockets to aid in its fight against Russian forces in the countrys east.
U.S. And Philippine Troops At The Balikatan War Games
A U.S.-made HIMARS on static display during live[+]GETTY IMAGES
When asked outside the White House whether the United States plans to ship long-range rocket systems to Ukraine, Biden told reporters: We are not going to send to Ukraine rocket systems that can strike into Russia.
A couple of threads on those MLRS rocket systems.
What have we been waiting for? Let's win the war!
A thread within a thread.
Good map of Ukraine's advance in the Kherson region.
This is from yesterday. Before the advance there was no bulge.. There are some reports, unconfirmed, that Snihuvrika has been captured too, or perhaps besieged.
This is what the Ukraine General Staff tweeted today means: Kherson hold on, we're close!
The Ukraine offensive in the south near Kherson is for real.
Got tickets to Top Gun tomorrow. The reviews seem to be
Very positive and I just heard the box office returns so far on NPR. It's a mega hit.
I can't do spoilers since I haven't seen it but my guess is Tom Cruise wins.
A proposal for the Kherson offensive.
I don't know who Def Mon is but I know he speaks russian, is intimately familiar with Ukraine geography village by village and is followed by most of the experts I follow. His specialty seems to be following Russian social media to be able to determine where exactly battle lines are. Oh, and he hates the russians. Ex-military I assume.
Anyway, as far as I can figure, Ukraine's current offensive is an attempt to encircle russian troops north of the Dneiper River, just as he proposed. The Russians emptied out south Ukraine to re-enforce their failing Donbas offensive. So fingers crossed for what Ukraine is doing. When an army collapses it often happens quite rapidly. Just reading Marc Bloch's Strange Defeat on the fall of France in 1940.
And a little more good news this weekend. The Russian Popasna advance is starting to retreat.
The party of Abraham Lincoln this ain't. on the Donbas by Prof. Phillips P. OBrien
A longish thread just published. I'm inclined to agree with the Professor and the latest report last night by the Institute for the Study of War that the Russian offensive in the Donbas is stalled everywhere but the city of Severodonetsk and will soon come to an end.
Meanwhile near Kherson the Ukraine General Staff has confirmed that they are on the offensive and engaged in fighting near a village called I believe Kostromka which means they have advanced since yesterday.
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Name: Tom ConroyGender: Male
Home country: USA
Current location: Langley, Virginia
Member since: Sat Mar 6, 2021, 07:56 PM
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