Earth-shine's JournalThe debate drinking game -- add your own rules
Pour yourself a cup of your favorite beer, wine, or whatever. Have your next cup handy things can get going fast. (Feel free to substitute the term hit for sip and blunt for cup.)
These rules are just a starter set. Add your own rules in the comments section.
1 sip
Trump says "Believe me"
Trump mentions "Hunter Biden"
Trump spontaneously sniffles
Trump says Open the schools
Trump says Sleepy Joe
Trump says Fake news
Trump mentions Antifa
Trump says Biden is beholden to leftist extremists (or socialists)
Trump interrupts Biden on Bidens time
Biden mentions "Trump's taxes" or Trumps debt
Biden says the words unfit for office
Anyone says $750 in any sentence
Anyone mentions the name Putin
Anyone mentions the phrase Black Lives Matter
2 sips
Trump claims to be religious
Trump uses the words testing and cases in a single sentence
Trump accuses Biden of being on drugs
Trump slurs two words in a single sentence
Trump mentions Crazy Nancy or Crying Chuck
Trump says he saved millions of lives from COVID with his quick response
Trump says he pays millions of dollars in taxes (in the present tense)
Trump talks more than 30 seconds passed his time
Trump argues with Chris Wallace for more than 20 seconds
Biden talks more than 10 seconds passed his time
Biden says Thats a lie (must be the exact word lie)
Biden interrupts Trump on Trumps time
Wallace says Thats not true
Drink half a cup
Trump slurs more than three words in a single sentence
Biden calls Trump a liar (must be the exact word liar)
Biden makes a significant gaffe
Drink whole cup
Trump invades Bidens physical space
White chunks of Adderall fly out of Trumps nose
Trump challenges Biden to fisticuffs
Drink six pack
Biden accepts challenge
The protests have begun. Here's a link to live streams.
This will be much more intense after dark. That's when the agents provocateurs come out.
There are protests every night, most notoriously in Portland, since the death of George Floyd.
It's become in vogue to be a live streamer.
Protests in Portland are back. People squaring off against cops. Live now. live streams. This is intense!
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Member since: Mon Sep 7, 2020, 08:16 PMNumber of posts: 4,044