Wicked Blue
Wicked Blue's JournalIt was fun sticking another thumbtack in my Trexit advent calendar today
29 days and counting!
Frank, the Christmas Gargoyle
This is a present for those wonderful DUers who took part in the original Door Buzzard thread, and those who reposted and commented about it. And for everyone else at DU too! Thank you, Orrex, for posting it. I've never seen anything like it.
This gargoyle saga kept me howling for nearly an hour today.
Republicans plotting attempt to deny presidency to Biden on floor of the House if Trump gives the wo
Republicans plotting attempt to deny presidency to Biden on floor of the House if Trump gives the word: reportRaw Story
December 13, 2020
By Tom Boggioni
According to a report from the New York Times, hardcore supporters of Donald Trump who serve in the House are willing to attempt to deny the transfer of power to President-elect Joe Biden if Donald Trump gives them a thumbs-up to proceed.
With the president insisting on Saturday during a Fox News interview that Its not over, and Biden would be an illegitimate president, a few Republicans are making plans to use the rules of the House to contest the election results.
As the president continues to refuse to concede, a small group of his most loyal backers in Congress are plotting a final-stage challenge on the floor of the House of Representatives in early January to try to reverse Mr. Bidens victory, the Times reports. Constitutional scholars and even members of the presidents own party say the effort is all but certain to fail. But the looming battle on Jan. 6 is likely to culminate in a messy and deeply divisive spectacle that could thrust Vice President Mike Pence into the excruciating position of having to declare once and for all that Mr. Trump has indeed lost the election.
According to the report, the effort is being led by Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) who has amplified the presidents accusations of voter fraud despite a complete lack of evidence.
38 days until Trexit
https://www.tickcounter.com/countdown/10457/days-until-trump-leaves-officeHere's how to stop Trump's election fraud lawyers dead in their tracks: Rule 11
Raw Story
December 13, 2020
By Tom Boggioni
In an opinion piece for Politico, an exasperated Kimberly Wehl a professor at the University of Baltimore School of Law said it is time for judges who are being forced to rule on accusations of voter fraud by Donald Trumps lawyers to lay down the law and penalize them for wasting the courts time.
Following the ultimate smackdown on Friday by the Supreme Court, which refused to even consider a lawsuit filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, Wehl said now is the time for judges to put a halt to the Republican election fraud charade.
In federal court (where 11 of the cases have been brought) its called Rule 11. And courts have used it many times to discourage the very kinds of legally insufficient and bad faith claims that have been advanced by Rudy Giuliani and his so-called elite strike force of attorneys, she wrote before pointing out that the presidents lawsuits have been dismissed with astonishing speed which is an indication of how specious they are.
Rule 11 sanctions are normally triggered when the offended party files a motion. The alleged wrongdoer gets 21 days to fix the problem, else the court gets involved. Courts can also prompt sanctions on their ownor sua sponte. If its a party that brings up sanctions, courts can order monetary fines to be paid to the court under Rule 11 (not to the other party, for fear of creating incentives to seek sanctions as a moneymaking enterprise), she explained before adding, Moreover, courts can sanction parties and lawyers in ways that do not involve money. At the federal level, nonmonetary sanctions have included public reprimands, orders to undergo legal education, referrals to the bar for disciplinary proceedings, warnings, suspension or even disbarment, forced admission of the facts alleged by the other side, and bans on a party or attorney (e.g., Powell or Giuliani) from bringing similar suits without advance permission from the court.
I'm almost ready to put on Ignore those who post links with no context
especially Tweets.
And links to videos with no context.
Please, folks.
The past 39 days feel like a compressed version of all of 2020
Since the election, after which we enjoyed a single day of celebration, I've felt worse and worse, haven't you?
The year 2020 has been described as a dumpster fire of a year. But November and December, so far, feel like a whole year of shit firestorms.
The non-stop skulduggery of the Orange Traitor and his cult has replaced elation with anxiety and fear. It seems like nothing is too evil and illegal and violent for them.
Plotting to kidnap, torture and execute the governor of Michigan? Imagine if this had happened five years ago. It would be in the headlines for weeks. Instead it's been swallowed up amid all the other outrages encouraged by the Traitor and enthusiastically carried out by his lawyers and followers.
Armed terrorists surrounding the homes of elected officials.
Insane lawsuits seeking to disenfranchise millions of voters and overturn the election.
Plans to destroy the Constitution and apparently our entire system of government.
Calls to destroy even the Republican Party from which they slithered. (If this was their only goal, I'd say be my guest).
And the Covid-19 situation getting worse and worse, with zero leadership from the Orange Traitor.
Is America going to make it to Inauguration Day safe and sound?
Dear Goddess, I hope so.
Mysterious monolith pops up in Savonlinna, eastern Finland
10.12.2020 20:25 | updated 10.12.2020 20:25
As home to an opera festival, the southeastern Finnish town of Savonlinna is no stranger to melodrama.
Still, locals seemed taken aback when a mysterious metal monolith suddenly appeared on a rocky hillside above Lake Saimaa on Thursday.
Similar gleaming columns have appeared and disappeared since November 13 in the US states of Utah, California and Texas as well as in France, Romania and on Englands Isle of Wight.
The latest monolith was first noticed on Thursday morning at a former campsite near a sports field in Savonlinnas Kyrönniemi neighbourhood.
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