XanaDUer2's JournalNewscasters, commentators I think you mean "flouted"
mask-wearing by the Idiot-In-Chief- he flouted it, not flaunted. More than one person has said flaunted. I mean, he flaunts, too, his arrogance and ignorance. But, he flouts not wearing masks. Plus, he put others' lives in danger, he does not care, and I am not going to pretend to care about such an awful, evil person.
Will Hope Hicks be the super-spreader scapegoat?
What's the timeline? Could she have been given it and not spread it to The Trumpster and his inner circle?
Will she learn the hard way Republicans will throw even an ally under the bus?
Poor homeless man sitting on the curb outside WR hospital
Did anyone else see that on The ReidOut film clip they just showed?
Donnie Dickhead cosseted in a hospital; poor homeless man sitting outside
DR. Pena just now on MSNBC
I understand she was Pence's physician. Not sure why this isn't private, but she talked about Trumps co morbidities- heart didease, high cholestoral, obesity, age. That he's currently manifesting mild, cold-like symptoms, but that could change quickly. Very interesting interview. Anyone see it?
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