LizBeth's JournalHeY, whAt Is wITh aLL tHe cApItALIzaTions In a SeNTenCe?
I am seeing it all over the place. I just saw it on a feminist site. I know the moran story. And oh noes!!! But I am clueless about this.
Hello. Hello out there. I am still isolating.
anyone else or am I a fool sitting in isolating while everyone else is interacting and having fun? Just asking.
Trump walking down the ramp. Observation: Trump's left leg takes the step and the right
leg catches up. Left leg take the step and the right catches up. He tried to have the right go forward once and had to pause and went back to left foot and then the right. So, something is up with the right side. It was that side that the right arm could left the water but the wrist could not tip the cup up to drink water and needed the other hand to tip it. He holds his right arm to body without movement on a lot of his walking too.
Oh, the step he was taking down the ramp caught my attention because I sprang my ankle a couple weeks ago and going down the stairs I had to step down with good ankle and then sprained ankle had to come to that step so I could step down on the good ankle.
And as for his bday. I thought the man was older than Biden. I thought he was in his 80's. I really did. He moves like a man much older than 74 yrs young.
Ironic all Confederate statues are being pulled down and removed during the most racist Presidency.
Trump, our most racist president has caused this. I find it delicious. History books will be talking about Trump's racism. And they will be talking about 2020 address of black injustices and systematic racism. Trump helped strongly to fire up the nation, the very opposite of what he represents.
And the Supremacist feared it was going to happen with our first black President.
I have inundated my FB with a thread on articles it is white and supremacists/KKK doing the damage
and not so much the blacks protesting.
I did this because I started hearing from FB friends and family that they were angry about the destruction and it is so unfair for the protest to get ALL the blame. Maybe a small portion, but then, that too, I would argue all this time of abuse/murder and still here protesting the same, meh... But by starting three days ago saying St Paul mayor says people arrest from out of state and Gov saying 80% out of area, I have gotten my people open to other possibilities. Then yesterday started a thread with article after article showing it is a RW effort. It has even confidenced my most rw, but open to information friend. I also did another thread with many articles about the good in this protest and people being their better self.
We just have to get the information out and not let them assume it is blacks doing it because of our inherent racism, that will be the automatic go to of course. Anyway,
Someone suggested I put links in one Op.
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Gender: Do not displayHometown: Calif
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Member since: Sun Feb 23, 2020, 08:57 PM
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