LizBeth's JournalI guess the NY woman adpoted a rescue dog. This is from the agency. Now lets hear from the cops
for false reporting.
22 mins ·
Thank you to the concerned public for reaching out to us about a video involving a dog that was adopted from our rescue a few years ago. As of this evening, the owner has voluntarily surrendered the dog in question to our rescue while this matter is being addressed. Our mission remains the health and safety of our rescued dogs. The dog is now in our rescues care and he is safe and in good health. We will not be responding to any further inquiries about the situation, either publicly or privately. Thank you for your understanding.
Edit: A thread for those that are not aware what woman I am talking about. Cooper. Calling cops on a black man, ratcheting up the hysteria in a call to 911.
May I ask for some personal stories and opinions on dental issues?
Wednesday I am scheduled to have all my teeth pulled and get dentures. Scary scary stuff from getting the procedure done and adapting to life with dentures.
My teeth are strong but I have gum disease. I didn't have money to take care of it for a couple years, I was taking care of health issues. Only so much money so I had to hold off. I could have gotten partials in the back, but it has progressed. The dentist said that she could do partials and then four times a year get a special cleaning that costs so much more. I figure it would be a couple thousand a year. I am minimum wage employee. She said that she could do the partials and hope the cleanings would save my front teeth but a year or two down the road, I could just be spending more money for complete dentures.
That bill two years ago, with insurance was going to be over 5k.
I decided to just get it all done now and that is costing 7k, with insurance picking up the rest. Quality dentures, top of the line and a package that will take care of future care.
I talked to my father who has dentures and he convinced me it was not the end of the world and the procedure was doable. I was talking to a friend and she told me the horror stories of dentures and everyone is living a hell with them and go Holistic and spend money.
Can you all give me the reality and do I want to go the option of partial and try to save most of my teeth? I still have a couple days to decide. Like I said, my teeth are strong but the gum disease has caused so much damage.
Anyone want to help me out, I would appreciate it. Thanks.
Ha ha, Oregon Gov addressing Trumps tweet about Michigan mail in voting.
Governor Kate Brown
53 mins ·
Mr. President: Oregon has been voting by mail for 22 years. We just had a great election yesterday. It was safe, secure, accessible. And we protected public health. What more do you need to know to be convinced, Donald J. Trump?
Donald J. Trump
1 hr ·
Michigan sends absentee ballot applications to 7.7 million people ahead of Primaries and the General Election. This was done illegally and without authorization by a rogue Secretary of State. I will ask to hold up funding to Michigan if they want to go down this Voter Fraud path!
Mask story at dental office, today.
I was the first in and then about 6 followed, so yea, I got in first and out of lobby. In Oregon only emergency dental until May 1. They opened up other procedures May 1 and this office is slowly implementing other procedures. You can bet they take this seriously seeing how when drilling or cleaning, the virus flies.
A woman was about the fourth to check in. She was handed a mask. "Do I have to wear it?". Yes says office receptionist. She huffed and gruffed and attitude answering questions to determine if a risk but put the mask on. About the 6th to check in was a 40'sh man. Do I have to wear the mask? Yes.
He throws the mask on the counter and says, "I am not going to do it". And he walked out. Fuckin walked out because he refused to wear a mask. These employees are in this all day, wearing protection their whole shift, and this asshole had to make a stink. I was sure to thank each woman for being tough on mask wearing.
Afterwards when paying the bill I told the employee about the man refusing, and can you believe that? She said someone else walked out and threw their mask on lobby floor. The woman with an attitude before.
She says she is not surprised the way people behave. Even at 150, I am surprised. I really am. I read it here. But I am surprised each and every time. Mind blowing to me.
Instead of trying to open as normal, we need to be getting smart how to curtail business in a
fashion that can survive fall. Everyone is jumping in to splash and play, instead of doing the "little ant" work of creating a society that can weather what is to come.
Anyone else not get their refund check yet? I turbo taxed my returns on April 2. I am owed over
a thousand dollars. A month and an half later, I have not received my money. I thought the IRS had rules about that, having to get the refund to us by a certain time. Anyone else?
I will tell you another very harmful product coming from Trump Administration from all the lying.
And all the lying from too many Republicans and Govs in red state. And the CDC for crying out loud. And the doctors Trump puts on tv.
We cannot believe anything.
In a time of crisis, it is CRITICAL to be able to believe what we are being told.
Three months in, reflecting on video'd quotes and statements from the past, we know they lie. All the fuckin' time. And not a single one of us can believe anything we are being told.
This is another very important reason the strong majority of people are still sitting in our homes, and questioning going back to work. We have had a lot of time doing nothing, while studying, researching, being educated about C19. Trump is now dealing with an highly educated public. That never serves Republicans well. The majority of us, for a fact. I mean, his believers is getting smaller and smaller and Republicans are seeing it in Texas, Georgia and Az. And more clear to all of us their motive as they wear masks to hold up signs protest saying HOAX, while carrying guns, and barbie dolls lynched, while threatening death to the liberals, lol.
It is crazy that Trump and Republicans have been allowed to have created this atmosphere. And none of us are going to budge. Because we cannot believe anything being said.
It really is an incredible time to be living.
I had to have a conversation today with my son. I am 60, a life long smoker. State is opening up.
I work in customer service. An hotel that has 50-100 people checking in and an 8 hour shift five days a week. People from Washington and Calif, China and Asia, and Europe that stays with us because we are center in tourist attraction. We have a two by two Plexiglas on a 7 foot counter that we hope the customers use to contain germs. No ventilation, no windows. I was talking to a fellow liberal about them telling me I had to go back to work and her comment was, ... It would have to be safe for them to insist you come back to work.
My Governors has opened the state, phase one. But they did stipulation that people in vulnerable position should be protected.
I was talking to a person I have been friend with for decades telling her of the possibility of going back to work in this environment. She is a liberal, on our side yet she said to me, ... The work environment has to be safe to the employee if they are asking you to come back, assuming. That is naive in my opinion that people believe that conditions are in place to protect the workers.
How do you all feel about it? I live alone and even if I just get a 14 days, to a month of pain and illness, I am by myself. I have no one to help me, and I have no desire to experience what I am seeing people experience getting this virus. I have a dog I am concerned about if hospital, a month of illness that comes and goes with fever and if I will end up dead in the morning. Not to mention hospital bills that will break me.
Let me hear what you have to say, or what you feel please. My son says to say no.
Oregon continue state of emergency to July 6. I like, yea us. Kate Brown signed an executive order Friday extending Oregons state of emergency to July 6 in response to the coronavirus outbreak.
The move comes roughly two months after the original declaration was signed March 8. It was set to expire May 7.
The new executive order gives the governor the legal authority to maintain the orders shes issued thus far including the stay-home order, a moratorium on residential and commercial evictions and other financial stimulus measures and issue new ones as she sees fit, said Charles Boyle, a spokesman for the governors office.
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Gender: Do not displayHometown: Calif
Home country: United States
Current location: Eugene, Or
Member since: Sun Feb 23, 2020, 08:57 PM
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