Sympthsical's JournalShould DU boycott Twitter?
Now that Musk is taking control? Or is it ok to contribute to his success?
Why/why not?
Trevor Noah on Kanye
I thought this was pretty insightful commentary not only on Kanye, but how American media culture treats him. The media gleeful voyeur and shove microphones at the man, because they want the controversy. They want the, "How dare he be so hateful and crazy!!!! . . . . But isn't it delightful?"
Our politics are very similar in this way. When politicians say horrible things, you sometimes get the feeling that people are less horrified or upset than absolutely thrilled they have something titillating happening. It's how media culture brings our discourse into the gutter. (Cable news, looking at you)
The Lincoln Project documentary on Showtime is something
An organization full of money-grubbing right-wing grifters who turn out to be not so great people with their own monied interests at heart?
The hell you say. If only someone had warned people . . .
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