Sympthsical's JournalFlyers call for boycott of San Francisco Jewish-owned businesses
Is it racism yet, or are we still on "Just criticizing the government!" I have decided to take their big-brained lead and am announcing my boycott of Panda Express in solidarity with Hong Kong. I will not have the crab rangoon of the oppressors in this household!
Orange chicken? More like Red Chicken, amiright?
It's not that they're dumb - which they are - it's that they're trying very hard to foment generalized antisemitism using Palestine as their excuse. People who cannot or will not disassociate themselves from this movement are complicit, IMO.
It is not hard to say no to antisemitism, but people are being so, so quiet about it for some reason.
Jewish man who lost 5 family members on 10/7 booed at S.F. council meeting the video.
"It'S jUst CritCisM of isRael, y0u guYs!"
Jewish students sue UPenn for discrimination, antisemitic climate
Lengthy and interesting reading. Particularly for those who think "It's just pro-Palestinian protests"
One of the plantiffs in the lawsuit says that on October 9, while walking on campus wearing garb that identified her as Jewish, including a Star of David, she walked by a group of pro-Palestine protestors.
One of the protestors yelled to her, you are a dirty Jew, dont look at us, she said.
Other protestors joined in, taunting Davis with: keep walking you dirty little Jew, you know what youve done wrong, it says.
The suit claims Jewish students have been forced to endure deliberate and targeted harassment by Penns faculty.
The administration earned it.
"Journalist" tries to doxx a child - it does not go well.
Oh, let's just go with the broad strokes of media and social media stupid.
A Deadspin journalist, Carron J. Phillips, very misleadingly posts a picture of a child wearing face paint at a Kansas City Chiefs game.
He goes on a very long rant about this clearly klannish child, and the NFL needs to do something, and maybe social media should speak out (hint hint hint).
Except the child isn't wearing blackface. He is wearing black/red - team colors. Which this "journalist" never checked or knew and hid.
The "journalist" then doubles down, calling the child anti-Black and anti-Native. Welp. Turns out, the child is Native American. His grandfather even sits on the board of the Chumash Tribe in California.
The "journalist" has not apologized, and many on Twitter are jumping in to, I dunno, fire the child from the first grade? Who knows. Phillips, however, is getting absolutely roasted all over the place for it.
Can we just admit social media was a mistake and encouraging this "getting" of people online has officially gone full derp? But hey, Deadspin is about to have itself a nice lawsuit.
"I'm a Jew at 'The Guardian.' I Don't Feel Safe at Work."
What people are being real, real - disconcertingly - quiet about. Read the whole thing.
I dont understand. I know people, Israelis, who were murdered. They did not die, as if in some kind of accident. I saw footage of terrorism. It was not an assault.
. . .
I go back the next day. I look at the front page. A photo of Gaza and violence escalates. Israelis dead but Palestinians killed. If they cant empathize with the Jews now, they never will.
I email the editors. I tell them that my newspapers coverage has been upsetting. They tell me that their thoughts are with my family but they stand by the papers reporting.
Jury finds John Hopkins liable for $220 million in Maya Kowalski case.
There's a Netflix documentary, Take Care of Maya, about this. The conduct of the staff at the hospital is completely vile. The jury agreed and took them to the cleaners. Watching the verdict being read is rough viewing. Maya, her father, and her brother completely break down.
These people drove a wife and mother desperately trying to care for her daughter straight to her death.
The Kowalski family previously alleged that the hospital played a role in separating Beata's daughter Maya from her family, which contributed to Beata's death by suicide.
As a child, Maya was diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), a rare neurological condition that causes excruciating pain in response to the slightest touch, PEOPLE reported previously. In 2016, she was checked into Johns Hopkins Children's Hospital for debilitating stomach pain. While there, hospital staff reported Beata to the Department of Children and Families after she requested Maya be treated with ketamine, saying the drug had helped her daughter in the past.
Due to her requests, Beata was accused of Munchausen syndrome by proxy. Through a psychological evaluation, it was eventually determined she did not have the mental illness, however, she was placed in state custody and remained in the hospital away from her family for more than three months, PEOPLE previously reported.
UCLA Protesters: "Beat that effing Jew!"
They didn't say effing. It's a pinata of Netanyahu. Which, meh. Good job, Super Serious Adults I Definitely Want to Hire Someday. But at about 23 seconds in . . . And the crowd cheers.
So . . . when do we acknowledge that maybe - just maybe - there's a real big problem going on here on our campuses?
Silence is becoming complicity.
The Decolonization Narrative Is Dangerous and False
A very long article, but very worth reading (just slip into "reader view" in your browser to see the whole thing).
So many good parts that can be excerpted, but one that is particularly salient to here, I think.
Of course, some protesters chanting from the river to the sea may have no idea what theyre calling for; they are ignorant and believe that they are simply endorsing freedom. Others deny that they are pro-Hamas, insisting that they are simply pro-Palestinianbut feel the need to cast Hamass massacre as an understandable response to Israeli-Jewish colonial oppression. Yet others are malign deniers who seek the death of Israeli civilians.
The toxicity of this ideology is now clear. Once-respectable intellectuals have shamelessly debated whether 40 babies were dismembered or some smaller number merely had their throats cut or were burned alive. Students now regularly tear down posters of children held as Hamas hostages. It is hard to understand such heartless inhumanity. Our definition of a hate crime is constantly expanding, but if this is not a hate crime, what is? What is happening in our societies? Something has gone wrong.
In a further racist twist, Jews are now accused of the very crimes they themselves have suffered. Hence the constant claim of a genocide when no genocide has taken place or been intended. Israel, with Egypt, has imposed a blockade on Gaza since Hamas took over, and has periodically bombarded the Strip in retaliation for regular rocket attacks. After more than 4,000 rockets were fired by Hamas and its allies into Israel, the 2014 Gaza War resulted in more than 2,000 Palestinian deaths. More than 7,000 Palestinians, including many children, have died so far in this war, according to Hamas. This is a tragedybut this is not a genocide, a word that has now been so devalued by its metaphorical abuse that it has become meaningless.
I should also say that Israeli rule of the Occupied Territories of the West Bank is different and, to my mind, unacceptable, unsustainable, and unjust. The Palestinians in the West Bank have endured a harsh, unjust, and oppressive occupation since 1967. Settlers under the disgraceful Netanyahu government have harassed and persecuted Palestinians in the West Bank: 146 Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem were killed in 2022 and at least 153 in 2023 before the Hamas attack, and more than 90 since. Again: This is appalling and unacceptable, but not genocide.
"From the River to the Sea" pops up at UC Berkeley

And "Long live the Intifada" for the bonus round.
Everyone just really wants peace, y'all. Totally. Not. Antisemitic.
For those who doubt Hamas attitudes toward civilian sacrifice
Excellent interview by a Al Arabiya journalist with a Hamas spokesman. You might have to gather yourself after witnessing actual challenging journalism. We're not very used to it anymore. How is it she's going harder than many journalists in the West? That's weird.
Transcript of the Hamas spokesman's reply after the journalist berated him for civilian deaths.
Dear Sister, nations are not easily liberated. The Russians sacrificed 30 million people in WWII in order to liberate it from Hitlers attack. The Vietnamese sacrificed 3.5 million until they defeated the Americans. Afghanistan sacrificed millions of martyrs to defeat the USSR and then the US. The Algerians sacrificed 6 million martyrs over 130 years.
The Palestinian people are just like any other nation. No nation is liberated without sacrifices.
Hamas will fight the Jews to the last Palestinian. A high civilian death count is just the price of their genocidal business.
So, who wants to start negotiations with them?
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