Sympthsical's JournalWe screwed our Iraqi service members.
I dont know if anyone here watches ChubbyEmu. Its actually a super interesting YouTube channel. hes an oncological pharmacist. My partner is also a doctor of pharmacology. So, I watch just to be aware.
This . . . broke my heart. The cancers that came back with our soldiers.
This woman is still fighting.
How old do you feel?
I had a lot of peers over yesterday. My age. All professionals. We're Millennials approaching middle age now, and this question kept cropping up. We hadn't seen each other in 15+ months, so getting together, it felt like we were different people. We had to get used to each other again.
We don't particularly feel like we grew up.
Don't get me wrong. My friends and I have careers, homes, some have kids. We grew up. But we keep regarding the country and the world as this thing some other people are managing. Not us.
Speaker Pelosi has been in power since 2006. President Biden has been in office for, well, I think before I was born.
We have no investment in what goes on. This all existed before us, and feels like it will exist forever. It won't. But I'm saying, on a pure feeling level.
But I'm wondering, since I know DU skews older. How old do you feel? Did your generation ever have a moment where it was like, "Ok, we have the reins now!"?
Is a Chinese defector the reason Biden administration wants an investigation into Lab Leak Theory?
Interesting article from the Daily Beast.
Chinese-language anti-communist media and Twitter are abuzz this week with rumors that a vice minister of State Security, Dong Jingwei defected in mid-February, flying from Hong Kong to the United States with his daughter, Dong Yang.
Dong Jingwei supposedly gave the U.S. information about the Wuhan Institute of Virology that changed the stance of the Biden administration concerning the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dong is, or was, a longtime official in Chinas Ministry of State Security (MSS), also known as the Guoanbu. His publicly available background indicates that he was responsible for the Ministrys counterintelligence efforts in China, i.e., spy-catching, since being promoted to vice minister in April 2018. If the stories are true, Dong would be the highest-level defector in the history of the Peoples Republic of China.
Dongs defection was raised by Chinese officials last March at the Sino-American summit in Alaska, according to Dr. Han Lianchao, a former Chinese foreign ministry official before defecting after the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre. In a Wednesday tweet, Han, citing an unnamed source, alleged that Chinas foreign minister Wang Yi and Communist Party foreign affairs boss Yang Jiechi demanded that the Americans return Dong, and U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken refused.
Are we ready to stop calling it all a conspiracy theory yet?
Why Twitter and cancel culture is toxic
And I'm not talking about how Republicans use the term. I'm talking more towards the Twitter bullying that has become part of our everyday lives. If someone says something you dislike, you have to go gather up a mob and try to ruin that person's life and career.
Story one I just caught today.
Costello, 38, alleged that in 2014, the 35-year-old Teigen apparently formed her own opinion of me based on a Photoshopped comment floating around the internet which has now been proven to be false by Instagram and since taken down.
He said he attempted to explain the mixup which apparently made it seem as if hed used a racial slur to Teigen, who he claims told me that my career was over and that all my doors will be shut from there on.
Costello goes on to claim that fashion industry colleagues and friends told him that Teigen and her stylist Monica Rose had allegedly gone out of their way to threaten people and brands that if they were in any shape or form associated with me, they would not work with any of them.
Each time I have pleaded with Chrissy Teigen or Monica Rose to see the whole story before believing a false narrative a former disgruntled employee cast upon me, they didnt give me the time of day, he added.
Costello posted screengrabs purportedly showing a direct message thread with Teigen in which she claimed, Racist people like you deserve to suffer and die. You might as well be dead. Your career is over, just watch.
see also
I didnt see the point of living, Costello wrote. There was no way I can ever escape from being the target of the powerful elites in Hollywood.
All that was needed was one celebrity and an internet mob to make this man's life a living hell. This behavior is constant. It's ugly. It's cheered when it's against someone we don't like. Perpetuated. Encouraged.
It's bullying. I'm so glad Teigan is now herself being cancelled. She earned it.
Story two.
Some months ago, an essayist and author, Lindsay Ellis, compared Raya and the Last Dragon to Avatar: the Last Airbender. As a huge fan of Avatar (I've watched through the animated series three times), I said the exact. same. thing. about Raya when I watched it. I turned to my partner about midway through and said, "This is just Avatar but by Disney. They even have a Zuko in here!" For whatever reason, it was on a few weeks back, playing in the background at my niece's graduation party. Some of the kids hadn't seen it. About halfway through, an Asian cousin turned to his other Asian cousin and said, "They're ripping off Avatar!"
A lot of people felt this way. But no. Comparing one Asian thing to another Asian thing was racist, and Twitter went to absolute town on this woman. It was vicious, and it was nasty.
Now, I love Lindsay Ellis. She's very progressive and does a lot of literary deep dives into modern pop culture. If you've never seen her YouTube channel, she's always worth it. She posted a video about the whole ordeal. It's worth the watch if you have the time. She pile drives Twitter into the floor.
Note all the pain she goes through, just because people are hateful and bored, and she had an opinion about something that a lot of people shared that wasn't even remotely racist.
Twitter is a shitty, toxic, bullying place. What Twitter is all . . . well, atwitter about any given day isn't generally a good thing much of the time. It's a mob gone wild, without any real accountability due to anonymity. I don't think we should be supporting this sort of thing.
I wish we'd get less of it posted here. JMO.
Meanwhile at a S.F. Walgreens
In case people are curious why businesses are leaving the city.
Edit: My apologies. I didn't realize the video link wasn't working for all people. Here's an ABC story which should have working video.
Manchin will be on Meet the Press, which just started
I discovered (I'm a cord-cutter). I only use it to watch local news for the most part. But this morning . . .
In case you felt your Sunday morning needed to involve screaming at something.
How much do you exercise?
I'm not a star member yet, so I can't make a poll.
However, I've been seeing posts about depression, lethargy, ill health, etc. So I wanted to make a poll.
How much do you exercise? What kind? Do you see any improvement in mood? Feel better/worse? Do you sleep better? Is your sleep worse?
Especially with the pandemic and quarantine, I'm wondering how much these negative feelings and perceptions are correlated to physical inactivity.
California has its own $600-$1200 stimulus. Democrats at work.
The Golden State stimulus.
I had no idea this was a thing. My in-laws got a check in the mail last week for $1200. They were surprised as hell. I told my unemployed buddy to check his mail (he has a habit of letting it all pile up). Sure enough, a check for $600 was in there. He was near tears (he's had a rough year financially because of Covid).
No one I know had any idea this was a thing. I feel like Gov. Newsom should be advertising the hell out of it. I mean, it's amazing what a happy surprise it is for people, but take some credit, man.
Just this week, he advocated for even more stimulus than what has already been sent out.
How did no one know about this? C'mon, Dems. Promote yourselves, damnit.
Yeah, he's not getting recalled.
Being pulled over for expired tags now is just police being jerks
What I haven't seen mentioned much in all of the coverage of the Daunte Wright killing is just how shitty it is to pull people over for expired tags. Due to Covid 19, there is a massive backlog at DMVs for getting tags replaced. People have been going around for months without proper tags due to cancelled, delayed, or unavailable appointments.
The police are most certainly aware of this.
Nice excuse for a "driving while black" stop, but even more malicious considering current DMV conditions in many states.
Drought-plagued California may see another devastating fire season
Last year was the worst. We were very close to a serious fire here in North Bay and were all packed and ready to go several times.
Buckle up.
California and the West are falling deeper into drought and, with summer approaching, that portends another severe fire season.
As a disappointing wet season comes to a close and hope for spring rain fades, conditions are worse now than they were at this time last year, with exceptional and extreme drought now found throughout the region.
In California, that doesn't bode well, given that last year's more moderate rainfall deficits, combined with extreme heat waves, ushered in a record-setting fire year. It brought 5 of the 6 largest fires in modern state history, 10,488 destroyed structures and 33 fatalities. Some 4.2 million acres were torched.
More frequent drought, hotter summers and warmer and drier autumns, tied to climate change, are stacking the deck for large and destructive fires during the heart of the fire season. And this year, a lack of rain in spring could mean fires arrive early in some areas.
After a devastating 2020 fire season and a dry autumn, this winter offered a chance to reverse course on mounting rainfall deficits. But despite a significant late-January storm, the 2021 winter and spring months have failed to deliver even normal precipitation, and much of April is forecast to be very dry. In fact, the current water year is now tied for the third driest on record.
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