LymphocyteLover's JournalMy question is: does trump actually WANT to crash the economy? Or is he just a totally deluded moron who thinks he knows
how to fix everything when he doesn't?
I've heard Fernando Armandi on Stephanie Miller this morning. His take was pretty depressing. He think Trump is trying to crash the economy big time so he can declare an emergency and declare martial law or grab more power.
Important point about Biden's (misplaced) unpopularity
"But one reason Biden is so unpopular is the same reason Hillary was in 2016: Republicans had led a sustained garbage investigation designed to do nothing but raise her negatives. Republicans tried to impeach Biden for, literally, nothing, and it captured the attention of both real and fake media for two years. And the effort to smear Biden was, as these campaigns always are, about projection. Republicans in Congress spent taxpayer dollars to create the illusion that Biden was the corrupt one, not Trump. (Trumps unprecedented corruption, which will be one of several organizing principles of his Administration, got almost no attention during the campaign.)
Which is to say, its not just the election. Its broader than that. Its that a permanent propaganda campaign has been supercharged in the last two years, in ways that werent even true when Fox News relentlessly tried to take down Hillary and her spouse in the 1990s. And that propaganda campaign has played a key role in leading people to distrust and eschew reality, including the reality that Joe Biden was better for the economy and Trump is unashamedly corrupt."
They suck at almost everything in terms of governing, but Republicans are masters of propaganda.
Robert Reich on "Lessons from the Election"-- I think he's spot on
A political disaster such as what occurred Tuesday gains significance not simply by virtue of who won or lost, but through how the election is interpreted.
This is known as The Lesson of the election.
The Lesson explains what happened and why. It deciphers the publics mood, values, and thoughts. It attributes credit and blame.
And therein lies its power. When The Lesson of the election becomes accepted wisdom when most of the politicians, pundits, and politicians come to believe it it shapes the future. It determines how parties, candidates, political operatives, and journalists approach future elections.
There are many reasons for what occurred on Tuesday and for what the outcome should teach America about where the nation is and about what Democrats should do in the future.
Yet inevitably, one Lesson predominates.
Today, I want to share with you six conventional lessons you will hear for Tuesdays outcome. None is or should be considered The Lesson of the 2024 election.
Then Ill give you what I consider the real Lesson of the election.
None of these are The Lesson of the 2024 election:
1. "It was a total repudiation of the Democratic Party, a major realignment."
Rubbish. Harris would have won had there been a small, less than 1 percent vote shift in the three main battleground states. The biggest shift from 2020 and 2016 was among Latino men. We dont know yet whether Latino men will return to the Democrats; if they dont, they will contribute to a small realignment.
But the fact is America elected Trump in 2016, almost reelected him in 2020, and elected him again in 2024. We haven't changed much, at least in terms of whom we vote for.
2. "If the Dems want to win in the future, they have to move to the right. They should stop talking about 'democracy,' forget 'multiculturalism,' and end their focus on womens rights, transgender rights, immigrants rights, voting rights, civil rights, and Americas shameful history of racism and genocide. Instead, push to strengthen families, cut taxes, allow school choice and prayer in public schools, reduce immigration, minimize our obligations abroad, and put America and Americans first."
Wrong. Democrats shouldnt move to the right if that means giving up on democracy, social justice, civil rights, and equal voting rights. While Democrats might reconsider their use of identity politics (in which people are viewed primarily through the lenses of race, ethnicity, or gender), Democrats must not lose the moral ideals at the heart of the Party and at the core of America.
3. "Republicans won because of misinformation and right-wing propaganda. They won over young men because of a vicious alliance between Trump and a vast network of online influencers and podcasts appealing to them. The answer is for Democrats to cultivate an equivalent media ecosystem that rivals what the right has built."
Partly true. Misinformation and right-wing propaganda did play a role, particularly in reaching young men. But this hardly means progressives and Democrats should fill the information ecosystem with misinformation or left-wing propaganda. Better messaging, yes. Lies and bigotry, no.
We should use our power as consumers to boycott X and all advertisers on X and on Fox News, mount defamation and other lawsuits against platforms that foment hate, and push for regulations (at least at the state level for now) requiring that all platforms achieve minimum standards of moderation and decency.
4. "Republicans cheated. Trump, Putin, and election deniers at county and precinct levels engaged in a vast conspiracy to suppress votes."
I doubt it. Putin tried, but so far theres no sign that the Kremlin affected any voting process. There is little or no evidence of widespread cheating by Republicans. Dems should not feed further conspiracy theories about fraudulent voting or tallying. For the most part, the system worked smoothly, and we owe a huge debt of gratitude to election workers and state officials in charge of the process.
5. "Harris ran a lousy campaign. She wasnt a good communicator. She fudged and shifted her positions on issues. She was weighed down by Biden and didnt sufficiently separate herself from him."
Untrue. Harris ran a good campaign, but she had only a little over three months to do it. She had to introduce herself to the nation (typically a vice president is almost invisible within an administration) at the same time Trumps antics sucked most of the oxygen out of the political air. She could have been clearer about her proposals and policies and embraced economic populism (see below on the real lesson), but her debate with Trump was the best debate performance Ive ever witnessed, and her speeches were pitch perfect. Biden may have weighed her down a bit, but his decision to step down was gracious and selfless.
6. "Racism and misogyny. Voters were simply not prepared to elect a Black female president."
Partly true. Surely racism and misogyny played a role, but bigotry cant offer a full explanation.
Heres the real Lesson of the 2024 election:
On Tuesday, according to exit polls, Americans voted mainly on the economy and their votes reflected their class and level of education.
While the economy has improved over the last two years according to standard economic measures, most Americans without college degrees thats the majority have not felt it.
In fact, most Americans without college degrees have not felt much economic improvement for four decades, and their jobs have grown less secure. The real median wage of the bottom 90 percent is stuck nearly where it was in the early 1990s, even though the economy is more than twice as large.
Most of the economys gains have gone to the top.
This has caused many Americans to feel frustrated and angry. Trump gave voice to that anger. Harris did not.
The real lesson of the 2024 election is that Democrats must not just give voice to the anger but also explain how record inequality has corrupted our system, and pledge to limit the political power of big corporations and the super-rich.
The basic bargain used to be that if you worked hard and played by the rules, youd do better and your children would do even better than you.
But since 1980, that bargain has become a sham. The middle class has shrunk.
Why? While Republicans steadily cut taxes on the wealthy, Democrats abandoned the working class.
Democrats embraced NAFTA and lowered tariffs on Chinese goods. They deregulated finance and allowed Wall Street to become a high-stakes gambling casino. They let big corporations gain enough market power to keep prices (and profit margins) high.
They let corporations bust unions (with negligible penalties) and slash payrolls. They bailed out Wall Street when its gambling addiction threatened to blow up the entire economy but never bailed out homeowners who lost everything.
They welcomed big money into their campaigns and delivered quid pro quos that rigged the market in favor of big corporations and the wealthy.
Joe Biden redirected the Democratic Party back toward its working-class roots, but many of the changes he catalyzed more vigorous antitrust enforcement, stronger enforcement of labor laws, and major investments in manufacturing, infrastructure, semiconductors, and non-fossil fuels wouldnt be evident for years, and he could not communicate effectively about them.
The Republican Party says its on the side of working people, but its policies will hurt ordinary workers even more. Trumps tariffs will drive up prices. His expected retreat from vigorous antitrust enforcement will allow giant corporations to drive up prices further.
If Republicans gain control over the House as well as the Senate, as looks likely, they will extend Trumps 2017 tax law and add additional tax cuts. As in 2017, these lower taxes will benefit mainly the wealthy and enlarge the national debt, which will give Republicans an excuse to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid their objectives for decades.
Democrats must no longer do the bidding of big corporations and the wealthy. They must instead focus on winning back the working class.
They should demand paid family leave, Medicare for all, free public higher education, stronger unions, higher taxes on great wealth, and housing credits that will generate the biggest boom in residential home construction since World War II.
They should also demand that corporations share their profits with their workers. They should call for limits on CEO pay, eliminate all stock buybacks (as was the SEC rule before 1982), and reject corporate welfare (subsidies and tax credit to particular companies and industries unrelated to the common good).
Democrats need to tell Americans why their pay has been lousy for decades and their jobs less secure: not because of immigrants, liberals, people of color, the deep state, or any other Trump Republican bogeyman, but because of the power of large corporations and the rich to rig the market and siphon off most of the economys gains.
In doing this, Democrats need not turn their backs on democracy. Democracy goes hand-in-hand with a fair economy. Only by reducing the power of big money in our politics can America grow the middle class, reward hard work, and reaffirm the basic bargain at the heart of our system.
If the Trump Republicans gain control of the House, as seems likely, they will have complete control of the federal government. That means they will own whatever happens to the economy and will be responsible for whatever happens to America. Notwithstanding all their anti-establishment populist rhetoric, they will become the establishment.
The Democratic Party should use this inflection point to shift ground from being the party of well-off college graduates, big corporations, never-Trumpers like Dick Cheney, and vacuous centrism to an anti-establishment party ready to shake up the system on behalf of the vast majority of Americans.
This is and should be The Lesson of the 2024 election.
What do you think?
"I don't buy it"-- on how trump won
The items he mentions are indeed what drives me crazy. How did he get so much more popular from 2020 to 2024?
He also goes over Trump being a complete criminal and Russian asset.
So what exactly happened to the much vaunted women's vote? The increased women doing early voting
and the skewing towards Harris? Did it just not hold up on election day?
I still don't know what happened to the Roe vote.
Have you heard the comments from DHS official Kevin Carroll about Trump and Hitler?
Trump Homeland Security official Kevin Carroll: He frequently said to senior staff, Why dont my generals support me the way that Hitlers generals supported him?...The man quotes Hitler
Its not as if hes accidentally quoting him.
Has anyone here been phone banking?
I did it in 2020... have been thinking about it a lot but haven't gotten up the time or energy to do it. I found it kind of nerve-wracking in 2020 and am not eager to do it.
I did write some letters to voters this year, and donated quite a bit.
I live in Indiana, so there's no door-knocking campaign nearby.
President Obama says that he handed over a detailed playbook on how to deal with pandemics, and Trump ignored it.
"BREAKING: For the first time ever, President Obama reveals that he handed over a detailed playbook on how to deal with pandemics, and Trump ignored it.
"400,000 people would've been alive if Donald Trump had just paid attention and tried to follow the plan that we gave him"
The whole thing is worth listening to
Did you see the interview of Bob Woodward on O'Donnell last night? It's a must see
It was chock full of praise for Biden, saying how he kept us out of a nuclear war and heaped extensive condemnation on Trump. it was truly remarkable.
Politics Girl: We need To Wake Up!
"Trump is telling us EXACTLY what he plans to do, and Im deeply concerned not enough of us are taking him seriously
by the way, check out the clip she shows of Trump. He looks thoroughly sick.
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