Bluethroughu's JournalHappy Holidays, you beautiful Democratic Underground!
It's time to leave the Republican party behind
They have held our Country back from innovation, social equity and equality. We need to go on Offense and change the future of this country and the people.
Pack the courts and pass a second Bill of Rights, pass high speed rail, build beautiful green housing, secure healthcare and education for all.
Leave them behind wrapped in their hate, their legacy over the last 40 years is nothing but fighting, blaming, chaos and extraction, destruction and insurrection.
Move forward without them, to create a future of opportunity, and creative innovation that show cases a future United States learning from it's past and showcasing that knowledge into the future. We are better than this.
I'm taking my power back from the bigots and haters, they are not worth our time.
Thanks for reading my morning rant.
Thank you for another heart, I am very grateful for all the love.
The first lawyer was interviewing for a job representing Congress
Members that are concerned about their job. Schoen should be a hypnotist, I'm passing out quickly. This is going to be a long couple days.
Thank you for the hearts
Parade across America is exactly what we needed
This is a day of healing and everything that makes America Great.
Why did mother look like she was dressed for a funeral?
Black officer fired for punching Trump supporters night before insurrection
Not sure how to post, but here is an article about an officer defending herself against these "good people on both sides" follower.
This not right.
All this boasting by these murderous seditious traitors
On their social media, makes it crystal clear, prison time for each and everyone needs to be done. Take away their ability to ever have a firearm in their residences. They are a threat to our country, and they are proud of that.
Accountability is the only way to ensure our country heals, and is able to safely move forward.
They participated in a definded insurrection against The United States of America. NOTHING IS WORSE THAN THAT, EXCEPT SUCCEEDING.
Let's be very clear here DOMESTIC TERRORIST
Actively working to organize an armed, murderous FAILED insurrection against our government deserves swift action and incarceration while we find out the details.
The banana republic is one that makes lite of a coordinated, armed, murderous insurrection against our government is sedition at least but possibly treason if actively working with a foreign adversary.
Round them up, prison can give us time to educated the rehabilitatable. This was historic, and worse than 9/11.
Profile Information
Gender: FemaleHometown: IL
Home country: United States of America
Current location: IL
Member since: Thu Aug 8, 2019, 08:21 AM
Number of posts: 5,595