evertonfc's JournalNo surge in young voters
In my precinct my 18 yo senior was the only first time voter all night ( they stand up in cheer all first time voters). You can't base a campaign on young voters coming out in mass.
Sanders operatives already making case
that the party is rigged agianst them. . Even if Joe gets the 1991, some of his supporters are setting a narrative that they were screwed. I know some and thier entire existence is based on the narrative that the world is agianst them. They are going to rail agianst something and Mark my words- win, lose or draw, they will be victims of something.
Election Day in Nashville
and much of our urban area is devastated. Literally. I work downtown and can't get into city. It's like a war zone on east side. People walking around like zombies. 36 apartment building evacuated.
Obama, Kerry, Bill and Hillary
having to give a speech in support of Sanders convention will be awkward. I hope none of these actual screaming, yelling, socialists you see at his rallies, speaking, are not invited to speak. Tom Perez going to have some shit on his hands
With Pete out I'm bummed as hell
I'm almost checked out. A forward looking party and we are going to left with over 70, white career politicians. I'm stunned our young, progressive candidates never caught traction. Americans are sick of life long politicians.
We win historically with young. DC outsiders. I'll support whoever but I'll be honest, and many of my under 45 friends say the same, the fire isn't there anymore.
Mayor Pete in Nashville today
Great crowd. Fantastic speech. I talked to lots of people. Joe Biden gets these votes when Pete drops out.
When was last time a Democrat over 55 was elected?
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