Joinfortmill's JournalBiden wins SC wins South Carolina Primary AP Projects
Source: NPR
Joe Biden has run for president three times, and yet until Saturday, he had failed to ever win a primary or caucus.
The 77-year-old former vice president has now gotten an expected but much-needed victory in the South Carolina primary, according to The Associated Press's projection.
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Looks like Joe nailed it in SC 😎
Voted in SC Democratic Primary this morning
A couple of things to note. Initially, they couldn't find me in the database. I had verified my name was listed before I went to the polls, so I knew I was in the database. They asked me for my voter registration card, which, thankfully, I brought with me along with my passport, in case there was an issue. They did finally locate me on the database and I continued to the voting machine. SC has new voting machines with a paper backup, so it's a two-part voting experience. At the first machine, you enter a voting card, make a choice from a list end print the card out. All straight forward, right? Well, not exactly. The names aren't in alphabetical order by last name. So, Biden isn't first on the list, Bernie is. WTF? If you're voting in SC pay attention. You can go back and make a change, which I did. Once you make your choice, print out the card and verify who you voted for. Next you bring the "paper ballot" to a scanning machine, which scans your vote and keeps the "paper ballot". That's it. Not too bad, but you will still need to stay alert.
A Very Stable Genius
I'm about a third of the way thru this book, which I highly recommend. One of the things that stands out about Trump is his ignorance. His lack of knowledge about something as simple as basic geography, along with his narcissism, makes him truly dangerous.
"The Night The Rolling Stones Fired Trump...." Whoa, what a story!
"The final show, at the Boardwalk Hall (f.k.a Convention Center), aired on pay-per-view and like the Miss America Pageant, also held at the Hall was to be sponsored by the adjacent Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino....Keith pulls out his knife and slams it on the table and says, What the hell do I have you for? Do I have to go over there and fire him myself? One of us is leaving the building either him, or us.
The Night The Rolling Stones fired Trump: Keith Richards once pulled a knife to get him out of ...
In 1989, The Rolling Stones original members ended their seven-year hiatus and embarked on an ambitious and profitable 115-show tour of Europe and North America. The American leg, named after their comeback album Steel Wheels, began in August in Philadelphia and ended in December in Atlantic City......
Keith pulls out his knife and slams it on the table and says, What the hell do I have you for? Do I have to go over there and fire him myself? One of us is leaving the building either him, or us.
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A must read.
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