Captain Zero
Captain Zero's JournalIs Debbie Murcarsel-Powell Legit? She sends emails from ActBlue for other candidates?
Like it looks as though you are donating to one of the Senators like Sharrod Brown but then it says the donation will be split between her and Sharrod Brown??
It saYS SHE IS A CANDIDATE IN florida.??
Just seems fishy to me.
Any knowledge DUers have appreciated.
Has Donald Trump had a stroke ?
In the last week?
He's been absent.
They seem evasive and scared by something.
When he talks not anything nearly as verbose and word salad worthy.
He's kind of muted.
Anybody seen him waddling around a golf course lately? Getting in and out of a golf cart or a car? Any video at all?
How could we get the press asking this important question.
Any ideas?
Biden should use Immunity Ruling now!
Immediately he should deny Trump and his campaign all access to Presidential Daily Briefings.
Trump mishandled classified government documents upon leaving the white house. He is a clear threat to national security and cannot be trusted with the PDBs. Protecting the PDBs is part of Biden's official duties as president.
Is Homeland Security looking into the Russian Government jet parked next to Trump's?
In Miami?
Seems like they should have.
Maybe they got all the documents moved from Trump's to the Russian jet by now.
I guess they could have done it with a LAN or Bluetooth too.
Probably nothing to see there now anyway.
How is the Fascist Noose not tightening on America?
The Supreme Court has now destroyed administrative law.
The SC has now narrowed the definition of Obstruction of Justice, maybe out of existence, especially if it comes before a Federalist Society judge, and if Trump wins, they have given him the grounds for his blanket pardons of the J6 insurrectionists he touts. imho.
The FUCKING GOD DAMNed NEW YORK TIMES is calling for the Democrats to drop Biden as our candidate, Have they called for the Republicans to drop Trump the Felon? Have they called for the Republicans to drop their mentally ill candidate?
You know some way the SC will grant Trump a thin veneer of immunity for a deadly attack on the capitol. That's why they saved it until last and to run out the clock as well on prosecutions.
I think we are pissing in the wind that winning the election in November will do us any good, even when we do win it, and I really wanted to write "if"we win it.
Did everyone miss Kinzinger in the past 2 days
Not only endorsing Joe Biden for president but saying he will vote for Joe Biden?
Looked like a campaign ad on YouTube. I saw it yesterday or Wednesday.
I think it's significant that he created a campaign ad for Biden.
Spirituality. Ley lines. St. Michael's Prayer.
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits, who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
I decided I'm waging prayer war against a clear and present evil in our country. I'm using this prayer.
Join me if you like.
Reading about Ley lines in England got me to St Michael and his prayer. I knew he was the angel who kicked the devil out of heaven, and I figure it can be a group focus prayer to kick a devil out of the US.
JOIN IN if you care to.
Here is the cartoon we need someone to draw !!
34 in a Speedo,
with an ankle bracelet that matches ...
and the caption should say:
"Summer is here, make sure your ankle bracelet matches your Speedo."
I'd try it, but I'm more an idea guy.
On a diet; tired of being hungry
So I made a grilled ham and cheese.
Something had to give.
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Member since: Fri May 3, 2019, 12:13 AMNumber of posts: 7,522