Captain Zero
Captain Zero's JournalHere is a US House seat we can turn DEM 2020 !! 5th. With Christina Hale.
anyone else noticing rightwing FB posts claiming the hate for trump is being directed at them
I've seen two FB posts tonight suddenly bemoaning that the left's hatred for Trump is being directed at them and other right wingers 'personally'. Seems like a new effort to unite them in their deplorable bubble?
This is one:
And this one:
It just seems unusual to me that two people who I see rarely post are being triggered to post things along these lines. Both tonight. Something is effecting them to where they have reached a threshold to repeat these types of items.
Aren't any Korean War Veterans pissed about
Trump asking and stepping into North Korea? How many Americans died in that war? And he becomes the first American president to dance into it? Bone Spurs and all?
Indiana Man drives wrong way on interstate because...
Man driving wrong way on I-70 told police 'it was faster'.
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