allgood33's JournalYou know, it's almost like Trump is upset because he didn't receive a pipe bomb in the mail.
He won't call the any of the targets because he believes that will give them even more attention. He is a petulant, ego-maniac. That is now clear to me.
Question about the GOP lying about protecting coverage for pre-existing conditions?
Are Democrats running ads to counter the lies the GOP candidates are telling in their ads? I haven't seen any.
Please CNN. There just is no comparison between what Hillary said about civility and what Trump
says at every rally. The media is responsible for trying to make political opposition speech equal to the hate speech rolling from Trumps foaming lips almost every hour. Maxine Waters was as close to Trump's hate speech as any but even then there was no comparison to her speaking at a political event and Trump using the bully pulpit to incite violence toward groups of people because of their color, sexual identity, or religion.
It's sickening to even try this.
Why wasn't Trump and his supporters asked to "tone down" their rhetoric BEFORE these pipe bombs? Now, everyone is asking the Democrats to tone down their rhetoric just to be able to ask the Trumpsters to tone down their hateful rhetoric.
Who is this woman on CNN?
We are not trying to stop rhetoric! Rhetoric is part of free speech. We are trying to stop HATE RHETORIC. And YES, RHETORIC THAT INCITES VIOLENCE IS TO BLAME FOR VIOLENCE!
Trying to excuse rhetoric that incites violence as a danger to free speech is ridiculous. It is my right to speak against hate speech and speech that incites violence and I don't fear that free speech will be in danger. I really hate these false equivalence pundits.
It's time to call the RW Christian Evangelicals on their encouragement of this violence.
Time for any really serious Christians to vote with their tithes and offerings and take them away from the MAGA-churches as they spread their venom against women, minorities, and LBGTQ. These people are actually religious zealots and terrorists.
Stop asking Trump to say something useful. His supporters wouldn't believe him anyway.
It's too late to do anything except take the power away from the GOP by voting them out.
Don't put it past the alt-right using Breitbart tactics to perform acts and pretend to be Democrats
This has happened in the past.The violence and fascism come mostly from the right and are enabled by a government headed by fascist-loving men and women who control enormous wealth and access to positions of power. They have infiltrated even our most respected bodies of law-enforcement. It is heartbreaking.
Now is the time for any decent GOP in Congress to switch parties and take away the free pass
Take away the free pass for Putin and Trump to continue to destroy our country. I would only take about four decent GOP men or women to nip these brazen acts of terror by switching parties. The terrorists only continue their terror acts because they know they will receive cover from the GOP and Trump and his yelling, screaming rally followers. It doesn't seem that anything will change the brain-washed, low-intelligence mobs attending these hateful rallies. So it is up to people on both sides of the political spectrum to take matters into their own hands.
Help law enforcement find and punish the culprits no matter who they are. Trump is responsible no matter which side is out there using these bombs. Trump has either emboldened them to do so, or frightened the opposition to use extreme methods to fight them.
November 6 will not do enough to stop this madness. It's going to take some acts of courage on the part of a few GOP to stop it now. Four Senators would do it. They can change back in 2020.
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