albacore's JournalWhere oh where can trump find his rewards for all his hard work....
...when the indictments start to pile up?
Luckily, he has an old friend to fall back on.
Can't find the password for my macmail
.... only the dots. Any way to find out?
It's not on the Keychain.
Are they stored somewhere? I have an extensive list of passwords on an encrypted file, but that Mail account is so old that the password got overlooked.
My Mail program at xfinity must have been hijacked and stuff bounces off the macmail application saying it can't send because it can't find an address I have never seen before.
I now speak fluent Filipino and Hindi... to no avail.
Advice needed:Time to replace my natural gas furnace. Should I get a heat pump instead?
I live in Kitsap county.... 1200 sq ft, one story home.
I have gas water heater and fireplace.
Before I call a dealer, I thought I'd look for some DUers with experience and/or expertise.
Yes.. I know it was Bernie's project...
But Biden was the guy who got the insulin price dropped.
Bernie ... or Biden... doesn't make a difference to the poor people who need the stuff. The price is down, and the Dems did it. The Repubs fought it every inch of the way.
My (rhetorical) question is:
How can anybody depending on insulin... or the families of people depending on insulin... vote for a Republican?
WTF is wrong with people?
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Gender: MaleHometown: Poulsbo WA
Home country: United States
Current location: Poulsbo
Member since: Sun Aug 26, 2018, 12:47 PM
Number of posts: 2,528