albacore's Journaltrumper brandished a gun young women protesters.... Woodinville, WA - pop. 13,000.
Just curious... if a "good guy with a gun" was there and lit him up, worried that the trumper was gonna open fire, what would the charges be against the "good guy with a gun"?
Edit to ad citation...
No arrest... no citation. Safe to say, if he'd been black, this would have turned out different. Even in Woodinville.
trump is saying Joe did nothing about several different things.
JOE... BUDDY... tell him the goddam Republicans blocked everything.
With all this outpouring of sympathy for trump,
...why isn't anybody asking about Louie Gohmert?
He got the virus....
He's gonna be OK. So stop worrying.
I went to see what the Freepers are up to today...
...and typed "free r..." on the url line, and Google auto-completed "free reptiles"...
Who says Google is stupid?
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Gender: MaleHometown: Poulsbo WA
Home country: United States
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Member since: Sun Aug 26, 2018, 12:47 PM
Number of posts: 2,539