Cousin Dupree
Cousin Dupree's JournalWhy is he breathing so loudly?
My two Senators. Contrasting decency vs. corruption.
Democrat Sherrod Brown today, I hope that Senator McConnell would bring the Senate back tomorrow and pass the back ground check bill and send it to the president.
Republican NRA shill Rob Portman today, Thoughts and prayers. Yada yada. This is horrible. You cant legislate this stuff. Blah blah blah.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"
Edmund Burke
Nobel Peace Prize.
I know that FROTUS is deeply jealous of President Obama. He even mentioned recently that Obama begged and begged to meet with Kim Jung Un and Un declined. Could it be that FROTUSs ham-handed inexplicable behavior toward Un is simply his attempt to get the Nobel Peace Prize for himself? My God, what a narcissist. Risk anything to appease your ego.
I'm sickened by the stories about the trump concentration camps and the children that are
locked up. How did the German people allow concentration camps to exist? Well how are the American people allowing trump concentration camps to exist? CLOSE THE CAMPS!
Little Donnie, the guy with the vocabulary of a 4 year old, really gave it to his critics today:
To me, its a dirty word, the word impeachment. Its a dirty, filthy disgusting word.
Translation: you poopie heads say bad words. Bad, bad, poopie heads. I hate you!
About 20 years ago the medical community began focusing more intently on assessment and treatment of patients pain. The 0-10 pain scale became a common assessment tool. About the same time the JCAHO (the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations) required assessment of pain as part of routine patient/provider interaction. Pain was considered the 5th vital sign. In fact, in 2000 Congress declared the next decade the decade of pain and improved pain management.
Now we have the opioid epidemic and many people are being under-treated. I am distressed at the number of family and friends who are suffering and are being denied prescriptions for pain medications whatsoever. They are told to take Ibuprofen (Motrin) or Tylenol which are ineffective for them.Someone I know who is in severe pain and waiting for orthopedic surgery was told, I wont prescribe pain meds for you. Compliments of the opioid epidemic.
I know this is a complex problem with no easy solution. But it appears that the medical community, after years of focusing so much on pain assessment and relief, has now washed its hands of these poor people. Chronic pain is horrible to live with. This pendulum swing in the other direction is not the answer. This will not turn out well.
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