kozar's JournalWhich post, or how many do I post to, that says MY GOD!!!
I see and read that former President Bush died. (notice I used capital P )
For everyone that wants to blame every R prez in the past forever years,,, let me be an old guy that says you're wrong.
I am a life long D, signed up and defended this country. And I hate Trump. But I have also respected the office of President before this ass took it, to never post things like Im seeing tonight.
So I say, humbly, I served this country, the OFFICE still should mean something no matter how much DT tries to make it not mean a damn thing.
But why is everyone so happy that a former Prez dies? IMHO every person before DT deserves the respect of running for, campaigning for, and winning the office.
Only DT posters, and other "only D or nothing sites" have brought on this crap for previous office holders who aren't named Donald Trump,,,
My old guy advice,, Love Country , or love your keyboard,,
Koz out
Where do I start?
So, I'll start here with a caveat,, tough week, Mrs Koz's dad's memory service today, the little left of her family in attendance,and a sarcastic OMG that her church ( where her Dad was a member for 70 years),"forgot to find a sound board operator. SO Dear koz ( me)
left my wife to take on the immediate need. .
While in the loft doing my Koz thing for this,, I watch Mrs K son,niece, and other cousins, family blah blah blah,, leave MY WIFE sitting alone in front row, by herself.
It is 3 Am my time,, IM still livid, her and I have talked of course,,she did not want to cause a stir and asked me to keep quiet. I did out of love for her.
But I still need to vent,,even after all these hours, I look at our public on things like people getting killed by simply going to church,, people getting killed because they wanted to line dance, people getting killed for nothing.
Today, I watched these millenniums go to a service for a great man and veteran for out country, and ignore His sole surviving daughter,
which I believe gives me the right to say, get yer head out of your ass youngsters!!!
The same kids that ignored Mrs K today,also managed to talk to me about "what do they get"
Millennial folks,,it aint all about you..
I could go on and on,,,I am tired because of death, I am tired of politics, as of today,, I am tired of young folks telling me what they "need/deserve" to make our country great.
I am old, I am tired, I still fight for our Country! but today wore me out,and I just want to sleep at 3AM , but I still worry about my wife and her Dad who passed.
Maybe this is the diff between R an d D's,, who is awake at 3AM simply because they care?
Koz out
Just found this group, so to break ice I'll start with conversation I had with Mrs K the other day. I posted condensed in DL before I found this group, apologies if redundant.
Mrs: All you old men are just like old computers
Me: how so?
Mrs: both think that just because your memory chips work, your hard drive will spin too.
Me: nothing,nada,zilch,blank stare. I just bought the next round and apologized to the 30 other people near us who heard (sarcasm)
Old Men and Old Computers,
Are exactly the same according to my Mrs.
She claims that just because the memory chips work, doesn't mean the hard drive is gonna spin.
It feels like a slam,I'll get back to you when I figure it out.
In Friday Jest mode
My good old USA
Was nothing like today, back in my time, was. I volunteered to serve my country many years ago,my voice not been very politically motivated as it was always in the middle.
Welcome President Trump. Now Mrs. K. Started to understand what I was saying in how I felt.
After very little sleep last night, and waking up early this morning, I was happy.
But then I saw the news conference I started to get angry, Mrs K
said it's ok, But then, I heard about the firing of the Attorney General.
I volunteered back in my day, to serve this country. This is not what I volunteered to give my life up for.
Now, is I talked to Mrs K, we will be leaving myrtle beach in morning. A bit of context, the only reason we are in MB, is because her dad died at 93 years old,and we are cleaning his place up.
So, when I heard that it's time to take to the streets tomorrow.
And I talk to the wife, about this, and said maybe we need to go because I signed a petition online. Her only words to me were, "Let's Go"
I will be back home in Tennessee tomorrow I will be on the streets like I promised online.
I am old, I serve my time, not sure what I can do anymore, but, I will be there.
Thank You ,Mrs Koz
That first time when you have to sit back and say times have changed,,
In a way, a bit of a melancholy day today. I'm 58 years old, and today spent most of my day buying and installing a home security system. The irony, in my mind, was this is due to just one little comment that our cleaning person said yesterday. First off, Im not lazy, but with Mrs. Koz having cancer and doing treatments, and of course my lil Tess, whom most of you can see if you research my posts, I needed a little help.
Back to the moment, Cleaning lady said yesterday, " so, next Friday I am off because you're gone?" we affirmed. The next question sent up every red flag in my brain. " Ok,, so you will have the dogs boarded and it should be quiet,"
Today I feel like my world changed with one statement, we used to leave and never even lock doors, even recently, and now today, this is what I feel I need to do.
You younger folks will not realize the impact of days like today for us who are a few years greater than you.
I guess what hits me more is the fact that today not only did I secure this house,, I also realize I am at an age where I am realizing drastic changes in the world since I was born. It is humbling.
Thanks for listening,
I'm going to ask a question,, please be kind to me :)
I was just reading an article about Avenetti and his efforts to reunite separated families. The article basically stated that while his attentions may be good, more and more people are starting to say he is either in over his head, or only worried about his own appearance/good. It is a very long article that I tried to digest, but I had a thought coming into my mind. If article is truthful, can we here, see past this and not throw ourselves behind someone who may be as bad as current? I am sooo wanting to read news to take our current "prez" down, Im just wondering if we could fall into the same trap as the MAGA lovers. Let's discuss civially.
Some more pics,
Of Tess of course! I don't mean to overload this group with her. So you may need to read another short story about these. (lol)
MomZar just finished chemo and Rad for B Cancer,so strong and doing well. Sometimes, during this all, my life got overwhelming and I would go through 1000s of pics of Tess and Mom and it would pop memories into my mind and I would be uplifted. So I share, it is that simple.
Tess big Russel Wilson Fan, love the pic of her watching him hold up SB trophy a few years back.
2nd and third pics are from NASCAR event in Bristol, That is Brendon Gaughan,who drove and sometimes still drives the 62. I was going to bathroom and bumped into him, (physically) and I excused myself. He looked and said "Hey is your daughter here?" ) I shockingly said yes as I couldn't believe he would remember her with the hundreds of faces he sees weekly. He replied "She won't remember me" and I said we will find out.
After the 2nd pic and 20 minutes of hugging later, he came to me and had tears from behind his sunglasses. First he said "damn, glad I have my shades with me" then he said " I guess she remembers me?"
I just said "welcome to a small part of my world Bren"
I hope some of you can feel the hope in these pictures as I do..
Why are you a Progressive? my short story
I will make this as short as possible. I read full replies and hope you will too.
I am 60 years old, I was raised to treat ALL like me. And I have.
14 years ago I met a woman after my divorce who cemented my thoughts. She didn't let me see her hcp daughter first because she told me later,, "Im in R country."
I met her daughter who took over my life. I have finally made her Mother believe that you stand up for beliefs no matter where you live. I left that visit and went back to my single apt. And I questioned my belief. Alot, Could I accept this girl?
I will tell you TODAY and every day, I am thankful I was raised to have the belief brought in me to make the decision I made.
I will not post pics here of the fantastic life I have now, if you choose to look at my previous posts of my inspiration and joy of my life, then you can search my past posts and pictures on here. I have worked in the hcp field for the last 7 years,, I am retired now because those " uppers" I worked for in this field did not agree with my thinking on how to care for "our" individuals. They were looking at , where are the $$,, even the non profit I worked for.
So now I am free to be an activist, a Democrat , truly, above all , I can be a PERSON now,,, with feelings. I read today that kids may have died away from their parents. OMG ,,how can we do that as humans? Are we seriously to a point where a letter on the ballot after a name means that much? We cannot as a human race be dumbed down that much.
I read today a child died,I repeat for effect, I read today that some children may never see their parents again.
If you chose to look at my past post, you will see my anger,,you will see my rage. I will not settle down, I will not be "correct" as long as children never see their parents again and as long as kids are in cages because of certain political views.
Because,,if I give in to that, My daughter would be in one of HIS CAGES.
I will hold back no longer,
Profile Information
Name: DougGender: Male
Hometown: Florida
Home country: USA
Current location: Fla
Member since: Fri May 18, 2018, 04:38 PM
Number of posts: 2,533