TheRealNorth's JournalMilwaukee Journal-Sentinel article: WI residents involved in plot to kidnap & murder Gov Whitmer
The article seems to suggest there were other conspirators, including residents of Wisconsin.
Last month, the men, including other unnamed residents of Wisconsin, did nighttime surveillance of Whitmer's vacation home. The vacation home is not in Wisconsin.
Remember what Alex Jones said about flies
Alex Jones: Sources Confirm Clinton and Obama Are Smelly Demons From Hell
That fly hung around Pence's head like a dung beetle hangs around, well, dung.
It appears the GOP is sticking with "Covid is no big deal"
They can't admit that they were wrong, especially this close to an election.
I wish that when Trump was bragging about the shooting of Michael Reinoeh (debate)
that Biden would have asked him if he ordered that.
Has the Associated Press been taken over by Republicans?
I have noticed a lot of the internet articles and radio news seem to put the Republican spin front-and-center, if not in the title of the news article itself.
MAGAT World War 2 history
When they compared Donald Trump hiding Covid-19 to Winston Churchill, it struck a nerve with me.
I don't remember the time where Churchill hid the disaster at Dunkirk from the British people, or that he said that the Blitz was a Labor Party hoax?
However, I do remember Churchill saying this about how they would deal with the Nazi's:
Minneapolis Police create commemorative coin for civil unrest following George Floyd murder
link to Star Tribune article:
Any cop who has one of those should be fired on the spot.
Thank you Rachel Maddow
For correcting Brian William when he was trying to push the "hacking" narrative.
I have a bad feeling
If it hasn't happened already, someone with deep pockets on the GOP side is going to give Bolton a lot of money (more than he would get from his book) to change his tune about Trump.
I would like to think he wouldn't sell us out to the Russians, but the last 4 years have not made me optimistic.
Question about hacking countermeasures
For those of you who are more tech-saavy, would it be plausible to embed a virus in a file you think hackers might try to obtain in order to try to track down or create a digital trail of those involved in the hack or the dissemination of the stolen file?
If I were the Democratic nominee, I would create such a "honeypot".
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Gender: Do not displayHometown: West Allis, WI
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Member since: Tue Apr 3, 2018, 08:59 PM
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