grumpyduck's JournalLev Parnas sentenced to prison.
From CNN:
One more down, and getting closer to ol' Rudy.
Seriously, what would be the penalty for
lying to Congress under oath?
Would a committee have to vote on passing it on to DOJ?
I'm getting information overload.
When I saw that post about Turkey dropping objections to Sweden and Finland, my first reaction was WTF. Then I realized it meant the country, not the bird.
TV and film tropes.
We don't watch all that much TV, but I've been noticing for a long time that some of the "images" we see all the time don't make any sense and I'm finally getting around to commenting.
For instance, when a character enters a house during the day and uses a flashlight to look around even with the windows wide open. Or last night, we were watching Stranger Things on Netflix, and, in the first episode, a character enters a shack on their property and it's dark inside even though a light bulb is glowing.
Another one I love is in offices, when the entire building is dark and they have lamps in the room. They can have two or three, but the room is still fairly dark.
And the one that I find hilarious is when the detective goes to a building downtown and always seems to find a parking space right in front of the door. Having grown up in San Francisco, this one takes the cake for me.
Unbelievable: Jordan Klepper with magats.
From Huffpost, Jordan interviews rally attendees in Mississippi:
The sheer ignorance and arrogance are beyond words.
Are some of these SCOTUS folks
getting money under the table from the NRA or other groups, or are they just naturally assholes?
As much as I'd love to see that sob
in prison for the rest of his life, I really wish he'd have a fatal stroke or heart attack. That way we wouldn't be hearing about him for years.
Or paying for his prison costs or his appeals.
And if his followers want to turn him into a martyr, well, there's no accounting for taste.
And I'm really sorry to have lowered myself to this level.
Seriously, could Russia be behind
all these mass shootings?
We know they're buying off some repukes (who refuse to do anything), thru the NRA. And the NRA supposedly has ties to Russia.
Not much of a stretch to think they may be buying off some of the shooters too.
I know this sounds like tin-hat time, but these are crazy times.
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