OAITW r.2.0
OAITW r.2.0's JournalDead and Co - Men Smart (Women Smarter) - MSG - 2017
https://music.&si=oe5WXs6jljYeuUxZVan Morrison - Worried Man Blues
https://music.&si=40HXESfWS8JVKv7lNot sure when this was recorded, but sounds like prime Van...
Another day in Paradise....
Full sun at dawn, starting heating up @ 10AM....up to 95 degrees by 3PM....then the thunderboomers moved in and it rained torrentially for about 45 minutes. Garden watered! Temps dropped 20 degrees and maintained thru 8:30.
Took this @ 8PM....
Things of note-
* Wine by Black Box
* Deck will be getting painted in July.....hasn't been touched since 2002. It's all pressure treated and in good shape.
* Railing is cedar and it is punked. Planning on removing and replacing with PT wood and bronze anodized aluminum tubes.
* Growing some world-class grass in the planter. Should reach out to the UMaine Ag Extension and see if they want the seeds.
* Have reached peek growth - I expect things to slow down going into July.
Another Glorious Day in Central Maine.
Blistering hot at noon. @ 90 degrees, for sure. Yet it stayed cool in the house because of of the cross-flow winds. I don't have an air conditioner and really don't need one. Thunderheads built up in the afternoon and I got a 15 minute deluge. Garden's watered! Cleared out, temps dropped 15-20 degrees and made for the perfect few hours on the deck.
One weird thing...except for tics, there are really no bugs that require Off. Spent 3 hours on the deck with no bugs pissing me off.
So. I think I want to start a journal and add posts that I started and want to keep.
How do?
The Comey Rule - Netflix
Watched this limited series last night. Outstanding. Jeff Daniels as Comey, Michael Kelly as Andrew McCabe. Brendan Gleason as The Former Guy. Huge cast of excellent actors. Based on James Comey's book.
I have to say that I have a much better understanding of Trump's deep animosity to Comey. And Gleason portrayed Trump to a "T".
Grateful Dead - St. Louis, Mo - 1971 " Big Railroad Blues"
Whatta sound....before they did that Europe '72 thing......
Old and In the Way - Muleskinner Blues....
Tell us Pete......
Profile Information
Name: Skippa's DadGender: Male
Hometown: Dexter/Maine
Home country: USA
Current location: here
Member since: Thu Dec 7, 2017, 10:28 PM
Number of posts: 29,270