Ferrets are Cool
Ferrets are Cool's JournalDid anyone else listen to Da Mucch on NPR this morning?
It was hilarious. Even Scott Simon had to admit, after the segment was over. that it was like a job interview for his old position. When asked about the PGIC and his stand, or lack thereof on recent Russian missile videos, Scarramucci said something to the effect that he was "keeping his powder dry".
If you can stand it, it's a good listen.
NPR's Scott Simon talks with Anthony Scaramucci, former White House communications director, about the announced departure of his replacement, Hope Hicks, and this week's other political news.
Texas Wesleyan University baseball coach won't recruit from Colorado
The response he got from coach Mike Jeffcoat that shocked him.
The coach said he's no longer recruiting athletes from Colorado because of the state's pot-friendly drug laws.
He went on to write that players from the state have had trouble passing the school's drug test. So, they've made the decision not to take a chance on student athletes from the state.
Jeffcoat wrote, "You can thank your liberal politicians. Best of luck wherever you decide to play."
The best anti-gun song every written, IMO
I can't listen to it or watch the video without crying.
Of course, the repugs wouldn't get it. You must have a heart to understand the sadness.
The PGIC isn't right about much, but in this one case he is...
The Russians are laughing their collective asses off because they facilitated the removal of one of our finest Senators, Mr. Franken.
Congrats to Darrell Wallace Jr. A very good day, indeed.
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla -- Darrell "Bubba" Wallace Jr. may have finished second in the 2018 Daytona 500, but he certainly won the hearts of NASCAR fans across the country. An emotional Wallace entered the media center after Austin Dillon drove Dale Earnhardt's No. 3 to Victory Lane and was met with a huge embrace from his mother, Desiree, as well as his older sister. Wallace had to take a moment to hold back tears before answering questions from the media.
"Pull it together bud, pull it together," Wallace repeated to himself after the race. "I just try so hard to be successful in everything I do and my family pushes me each and every day. They might not even know it but I just want to make them proud."
Way to go Lebron!!
You DON'T have to shut up and dribble. Unlike repugs, you can do more than one thing at a time.
What bothers me so much is that there are models out there in the world
for EVERY problem America has. It's not like we have to reinvent the wheel.
Use the models that work, gun control, health care, college tuition, homelessness, hunger....I could go on and on.
We as a Nation, don't have the WILL to change the things that will make us GREAT again.
I wish I were wrong on this. How I wish it.
The NRA's version of Saint Valentine's Day Massacre circa 2018
Fuck every one who thinks the constitution gives ANYONE the right to murder kids. Hyperbole? Maybe, but I'm pissed.
Rachael is scaring me tonite about this departure of Rachel Brand...
is saying that she (Brand) just lowered the drawbridge and ran away from the coming apocalypse.
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